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Living in Ireland for the past decade and a half, Nuria Zyden, an Irish citizen and member of the small Irish Uyghur community, has been fearful of speaking publicly about the Chinese government’s campaign of oppression in Xinjiang.

“I came to Ireland but still I was living with fear. I never could say what I was really experiencing, what was happening to me,” she says.

Zyden, along with Irish academic David O’Brien, who specialises in ethnic identity in China, has cofounded the Irish Uyghur Cutural Association. It will focus on Uyghur culture and language, but also seek to raise awareness about what is happening to the Uyghur people in China.

The new association was launched at a celebration of Uyghur culture in a Dublin restaurant on Friday, attended by members of the community, many of them in traditional dress.