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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2023


  • energy is not created nor destroyed, however something can change forms, which gives off energy.

    how stars work in fusion is that their high pressure and high temperatures allow for the fusion of particles. hydrogren (1 protonl fuses with another to produce helium (2 protons). in a stars life, that cycle continues. elements fuse till it hits iron (the end point of fusion). which then a stars life.is considered dead and eventually black hole stuff starts to happen due to density of star.

    the power is actually not “infinite” its limited by the fuel supply available (hydrogren), but the net energy in to energy out is positive if the fuel source exists.

  • hemce, in your case, you trained for a job which is something you do to get money.

    if you want to write an app, go lool up guides or classes on the type of app you want to write. not everyone takes said class because it may be irrelevant to their field of programming.

    the only thing they will typically all share is basic understanding of variables and object oriented programming.

  • the basics of coding is less the language, but more the algorithms and pracices.

    knowing concepts like object oriented programming is language agnostic. how you learn OOP can be done with several languages, usually most commonly with Java or Python, but it fundamentally doesnt matter for the common languages for the most part.

  • this is where branches of coding splitoff, as learning the fundamentals of coding doesn’t stop there, its a field where you have to pick up new skills on the go because not everyone needs it.

    some people never touch apps because they might work backend or engineering, some people might not touh databases because they arent the ones dealing with CSV files. some people never touch web development (because its not engineering in some jurisdictions /s)

    If i have to make a crude comparison, think of it like driving. basic driving knowlege is knowing how to drive a car. Knowing how to drive a car doesnt imply they know how to drive a boat, formula vehicle, big truck, forklift and such, so you need to go into further training for those, but you never should expect someone to cover all usecases.

  • economy definately has a major role in it. similar to a lot of western nations, there is a growing number of educated chinese people who have education in a market that isnt hiring enough for the roles that they acquired skills for. the lack of having enough higher paying jobs puts off people from having children, in particular for people who have higher education, as they are more aware of the costs attached to children.

    it all boils down to not enough people on the lower 90% have enough funds to think about having children to support the (unsustainable) social security countries often have.

  • im using the term emotional as its usually what’s tied with pathos when talking about pathos/logos/egos. Hence some (as not all people who run on emotional decision making) will make a conscious decision to not pull the lever due to the above situation.

    some people will convince theirself that the feigned ignorance of the switch is their way out of the situation because they absolutely despise the fact that they had anything to do with the direct death of someone. Originally I never thought of this mindset (as im very logic oriented) till I met someone who answered the question that way in person and broke down their reasoning. It’s never an all emotional person thing, but some will willingly choose to not act in self preservation of their sanity.