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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • I went to one of these as a kid, from first to seventh grade. From what I remember the ideology isnt really taught to the kids, the weirdest things I recall are having to learn writing cursive or drawing/painting in a specific way, and eurythmics class. The latter is a sort of expressionist new age dance/PE hybrid where we did various activities like learning to juggle.

    I also learned two second languages right from the first grade, namely english and russian (the latter i mostly forgot over the years due to lack of practice). This i would consider the greatest advantage of this model of schooling, I have retained excellent language abilities with very little effort and always was by default ahead of what was taught at the regular schools I went to afterwards. I also learned to play instruments, sculpting, working with wood and metal, tailoring, and a bunch of other interesting things not taught at regular schools.

    Overall I would say it had a positive effect on myself, I only switched schools because I had social issues setting in with puberty.

  • It isnt so much “we" as in humanity, it is a select few very ambitious and very reckless corpos who are pushing for this, to the detriment of the rest (surprise).

    If “we” were able to reign in our capitalists we could develop the technology much more ethically and in compliance with the public good. But no, we leave the field to corpos with delusions of grandeur (does anyone remember the short spat within the openai leadership? Altman got thrown out for recklessness, investors and some employees complained, he came back and the whole more considerate and careful wing of the project got ousted).

  • From what I could tell during playing, a ton of content has been made obsolete, hidden away or replaced.

    For example the three specializations, which initially suggest a classic tank / dps / support split, are essentially all dps now because with the good real money stuff any build also has absurd sustain, ways to escape death, and damage to (literally) kill dozens of Borg cubes at once, taking 5 seconds tops.

    I mean it’s fine if you enjoy the game, but it really isn’t a good game at all. It’s fun in that it is a way to immerse yourself in Trek content.

  • Late stage capitalism. The ownership class has accelerated the widening gap ever more during the pandemic, out of simple greed. Control and wealth distribution systems, even governments are increasingly beholden to their wishes, and do nothing to help aside from lip service. The ecosystem dies of the same disease, endless greed and growth. Number go up is all that matters.

  • I sunk some time in the game during the pandemic.


    • you can play the quests and experience the lore just fine, for free
    • lots of fan service in the game, for example plenty of series actors doing voices.


    • The game is on life support, and extremely dated. Most systems and mechanics have been gutted and streamlined so much, all you can do is get a feeling for how fun the game must have been in its prime
    • everything end level is extremely monetized, virtually all good ships and equipment require real money. Not to mention for a decent build you will need to buy multiple ships to obtain their abilities.
    • constant fomo: at virtually any point in time some fomo event is up trying to entice you to log in daily or spend spend spend. And all those monthly events feed into an even bigger fomo event that goes on all year. Also fomo deals on the real money shop that bring the absurd prices into almost reasonable ranges. A daily dilitihium refining cap (the only actually useful currency not 100% tied to real money)
    • and if that’s not enough, gambling on everything else. All events come with loot boxes, requiring real money keys. Item upgrades, stat reforging, everything is randomized. And requires real money or your very limited dilitihium.

    Ultimately it’s fun to play through all the storylines and explore the world a bit, but unless you are willing to spend big you can’t get the good stuff. Also there is no end game except racing the dps meter against other whales.