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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • I think you missed my point, I’m not applauding Apple for doing the bare minimum, and to be clear, I think you absolutely raise fair points, I’m just pointing out the fact that its ridiculous to claim that Apple intentionally allows Pegasus to happen, which is absurd based off the fact they make efforts to patch its vulnerabilities whenever they pop up, add features like Lockdown Mode, and even warn people who could be impacted. Could they do better to be proactive against exploits? Sure, definitely seems like they have room for improvement, but that’s not the same thing as what the person I replied to had implied by acting like Apple intentionally allowed Pegasus to work and was complicit with it.

  • But, seriously… 3 (known) years later and Apple doesn’t have a fix for this?

    Almost as if it’s intentionally unpatched

    Pegasus constantly adapts, evolves, and changes overtime with how it works. Pegasus 3 years ago isn’t the same as Pegasus today. Once a vulnerability is discovered and fixed, they find a new one to exploit and take advantage of. Its a constant battle.

    I’m not a big fan of Apple at all, but credit where its due, they have made a pretty good effort to patch Pegasus vulnerabilities whenever they come about, plus have added features like Lockdown Mode to help protect against it even further, etc. This article is literally about Apple even warning journalists to be cautious of it.

    Saying Apple is intentionally allowing Pegasus to happen, like you’re claiming, is honestly laughable with all things considered.

  • Gonna quote myself from an earlier comment I made:

    On Windows, just use the built-in Windows Defender. On Linux, I recommend ClamAV + ClamTK. On Android, Hypatia.

    If you think you have malware, this is a pretty good guide to remove it.

    I’d also strongly recommend using and configuring a content blocker like uBlock Origin in your browser, as well as using a DNS level blocker like NextDNS.

    If you have a multilayered setup like this, then I think you’re pretty good and it’ll be not impossible, but much harder to get malware or be infected. Just use common sense as always.

  • I love Jellyfin and mainly use it and recommend it where possible these days, but man, the download situation sucks. Hate having to download files without compressing them, especially since I keep my media lossless. Its the main reason I’ve still kept Plex running on my server. Also sometimes the clients can be wonky, I’ve found Jellyfin works best for me with Kodi as the player for most things, which is interesting. But overall I do like Jellyfin and support it and its mission, hopefully gets better in these aspects in time.

  • I understand how you feel, let me know if you find anything. I’m more left leaning myself, but I’m also not a fan of echo chambers and it gets pretty tiring and annoying seeing the same stuff over and over again. At the end of the day, I just wanna see an open, fair, and balanced discussion. The Fediverse is undeniably very left leaning currently, which is surprising to me since you’d think the anti-censorship design on paper would appeal more to people on the right who are against big tech and censorship, but I guess not? It’s interesting.

  • Fedora easily. It has everything I want out of a Linux distro and more, its what I recommend to people for both beginners and more advanced users, because it just has so much to like about it. I’ve considered and have been tempted to go down the Arch route, but I just don’t think its worth it for me when Fedora is so damn good, and I can easily tweak or configure anything I dislike about it, that’s the beauty of Linux.