I would love it if all these people who think that all physicists, or scientists in general, should change their mindset would make a revolutionary breakthrough in science before saying so, like people used to do before
I don’t think anything the author actually said in the article is too far removed from the current mindset of the average physicist. In fact, as far as I can tell none of the statements the author makes are particularly controversial, although I do find the title a bit click-baity, and the “animal” analogy a bit unwieldy. But if you insist on only listening to people who have made a “revolutionary breakthrough”, feel free to read the article by Nobel laureate Phillip W Anderson that the author cites as support (and which makes a similar, although perhaps not identical point in a better way imo).
I would love it if all these people who think that all physicists, or scientists in general, should change their mindset would make a revolutionary breakthrough in science before saying so, like people used to do before
I don’t think anything the author actually said in the article is too far removed from the current mindset of the average physicist. In fact, as far as I can tell none of the statements the author makes are particularly controversial, although I do find the title a bit click-baity, and the “animal” analogy a bit unwieldy. But if you insist on only listening to people who have made a “revolutionary breakthrough”, feel free to read the article by Nobel laureate Phillip W Anderson that the author cites as support (and which makes a similar, although perhaps not identical point in a better way imo).