What are the consequences of not severing it? I imagine you’d have the weirdest bellybutton on earth if nothing else.
What are the consequences of not severing it? I imagine you’d have the weirdest bellybutton on earth if nothing else.
I personally wouldn’t recommend it, I’ve seen babies die miserable deaths of sepsis and it’s heartbreaking. But I’m not going into pediatrics or OBGYN so thankfully this isn’t gonna be a discussion I have to have.
I’m aiming for EM and I used to work at a level 1 peds ER. I have heard some astonishingly stupid things and fully expect to hear more.
I’m putting in my rank list for EM right now. Some people certainly have some…peculiar…ideas about health and healthcare.
Good luck on your match! I’m still in second year, but I’m already reaching out to programs about setting up auditions and whatnot because I’m attending a small/new DO school, so I don’t really have establishment or prestige on my side.
It’s awesome that you’re already setting some stuff up. Feel free to DM me if you’ve got any questions!