It doesn’t matter if the most upvoted comment is pro or against subject in discussion. All that matters is bolstering a comment that is minimally compatible with participant’s thinking and making it win against the opposite argument (competing and most voted one).

So it seems that the most satisfactory comment (for most readers) doesn’t really matter at all. What matters, before anything else, is visibility of an opinion that somewhat aligns with one’s thinking, rather than writing or finding the most corresponding comment for that subject, fully compatible with reader’s perception.

    1 year ago

    I’m not sure if I’d like to excuse any way of talking. I like that direct way of talking. They attacked a decision, not any person. I also like to say whatever i want while solving problems, without any complicated social etiquette or putting additional effort in social interactions. Sometimes I’m right, sometimes somebody else tells me I made a bad descision. I can handle that. I just think being blunt, overstepping a bit or being allowed to vent is a healty way of dealing with human emotions. (Within boundaries.)

    I’d agree with that except they are doing it as a public-facing “official” statement, which generally should be a bit more “professional” in tone IMO. I would certainly describe it as an attack. At its more charitable it was just incredibly passive aggressive and unnecessary. You can say “we believe this is a mistake” without accusing people of being ignorant.

      1 year ago

      I agree. And i don’t know if the admins talked to each other or just pulled the trigger and/or issued statements. I don’t know the whole story and I shouldn’t judge.

      In the end it’s just sad that our small federated world needs to be split up into even smaller chunks. I don’t think this is healthy. But i don’t have any solution to offer.

        1 year ago

        I guess it worries me less because it’s certainly not the norm and users can still “travel freely” while those who only want to be on beehaw now have a default experience slightly more catered to their values. It just doesn’t seem to have any major tangible cons.