It’s by far the best video to explain special relativity.
This video makes an analogy between a light clock and a sound clock. Showing that a clock that bounces sound back and forth for each tick will encounter time dilation under movement similar to special relativity. It proposes that light literally is a wave in the aether and scientific consensus is suppressing this truth. It insults other physics youtubers and invites the viewer to continue with them on a new revolution in science.
I haven’t watched the video. But your summary using “wave in aether” is unexpecting to me. the aether idea was tossed away a century ago when near the time it was discovered, that light travels at the same speed in all measured velocities ans directions.
Not insult, just pointed out their explanations were unclear.
Ether theory trying to make a comeback.
Step 1: “Explains” relativity with Doppler effect
Step 2: proceeds to complain others confusing relativity with Doppler effect
Shameful that this is so upvoted.
I guess most them did not see the video or read the comments. Saw the post on their feed with the thumbnail and upvoted it.
I’ve “debunked” Dialekt videos before. That channel is dangerous.
And it’s not dangerous because it would be strictly incorrect, but because they do not make their initial assumptions clear unless you watch more of their videos. They assume relative proper acceleration, which in mainstream science is currently treated mostly as “utter bollocks” as one friend of my put it.
The hostile takes against other channels is not helping either.