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Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • current carrying wire of finite length

    Well I suppose a cheesy way of putting this is that there is no such thing as a “current carrying wire of finite length”, by itself.

    To expand, just because one can calculate the contribution to the magnetic field at some spatial point from such an object, doesn’t mean it is the sole source of the field in a theoretically consistent manner. If you complete the “loop” with two semi-infinite horizontal wires, and another vertical wire at infinity (assuming it has an emf there to power the circuit), then the field will change due to the two horizontal wires. This construction however breaks rotational symmetry around the original wire (so you’ll not be able to compute the loop integral simply as B times circumference), and in order to restore that, instead of just two horizontal wires, you’ll have to have infinite such pairs in all radial directions (like a squeezed coaxial cable). Anyway, I guess the point is after “completing the circuit”, the “paradox” will no longer be there.

  • The Ying Yang is the “shape” of the light source. The point is that their technique can be used to infer the shape of an unknown light source, among other things. In so far as the data being recorded in the experiment involves two photons (or really, many identically prepared copies of two photons over time) and therefore 4 spatial dimensions (x y for each), then yes the 2d image they show is necessarily “interpreted” from the 4d “raw image”. Exposure time is 1min according to the paper, so not quite “real time”, but the whole theory is time independent (no time in any equation), so I imagine it can be shortened with e.g. higher laser power.

    caveat: not an optics person so grain of salt…

  • Appreciate the uplifting spirit, but not sure who this list is for. Physics undergrad? Talk to a professor. In grad school? Probably already has some personal taste and knows how to pick books that best suit one’s own style and need (plus talk to your peer/professor). Budding enthusiast? Pick a topic of interest and go from there – life is short, no need to waste time on every standard text book.

    Also, quite a negligence not mentioning a single book from Landau & Lifshitz.

  • To be fair, time crystal is a real – albeit somewhat clickbaity – concept in physics, proposed by none other than the Nobel laureate Wilczek. In simple terms, a time crystal is something whose frequency is not a harmonic of what’s driving it (e.g., its periodicity could be double that of the drive). It’s a “crystal” because it’s breaking the (temporal) symmetry of the governing theory, just as a conventional crystal, by forming into a lattice of atoms, breaks spatial translation symmetry.

  • It is waiting for reproducibility is what it is. It won’t matter much if it got published today in some no name journal – a journal is going to gamble just as this youtuber did, for the slim chance of this being true (not saying it isn’t)

    Also, a quantum well is just particle in a box. Nothing fancy about it. Guy mentioned tunneling a lot but tunneling happens in metal, semiconductor, and insulator. Doesn’t really mean anything. In fact if you need to tunnel, that means there’s a chance to back scatter, so it won’t be superconducting.

  • Hahaha, but to be fair, high Tc now typically refers to above the nitrogen boiling point of 77K, so 20K is a bit low even for them. I think the reference to 20K is in distinguishing between conventional vs unconventional superconductors–depending on if they can be explained by the BCS theory. When unconventional superconductor was first discovered, the highest known Tc for the conventional ones was about 20K. One could even say, therefore, calling it “high” is just experimentalists flexing to theorists.

  • I think it’s more nuanced though. It’s more like theory helps us understand the underlying mechanisms of many phenomena, but the lack of precise measurements for initial conditions, together with the existence of chaos, makes robust long-term predictions out of reach.

    I mean this idea is not new – Poincare had similar opinions in the 19th century iirc. The only thing the author said differently is that the universe is like an animal, and only in the last paragraph offhandedly for that matter.