“If the election is a referendum on Joe Biden’s policies and the failures that we’ve seen and we are presenting a positive vision for the future, we will win the presidency and we will have a chance to turn the country around,” DeSantis said.

When has DeSantis presented anything positive? This culture-war asshat does nothing but send negativity in speeches and policy. Oh well…

  • Poob@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    “Whoever puts their hand on the Bible on Jan. 20 every four years is the winner,” DeSantis told NBC News

    Now this is interesting. It seems to imply DeSantis doesn’t think democracy is the important factor and it doesn’t matter how you get there, just that you’re the one to be sworn in. It’s a very “might makes right” kind of statement.

    I could be reading to much into an off the cuff comment, but his entire job is making accurate comments. We also keep passing off the ridiculous sounding comments conservatives make, and then they come back later and prove that they were serious.