The company I work in switched to a new building, and we have those stupid doors with RFID cards on them. I’d be damned if I’m going walk with that I’m-working-in-hightech-company-card dangling of my belt. I wonder if there is a way for me to use my phone for credentials. I tried searching for it, and all I could find is ways for me to use the phone in order to copy the info from one card to another.

So is it somehow possible?

    11 months ago

    Most of the companies have a policy that requires you to wear the card visible to others. That it has rfid is just a bonus to get trough doors without hiring a guard to let personel in.

    Believe me, it’s not so bad when they allow you to wear it from your belt. (You can even put it in your pocket and give a feeble excuse when they ask you about it) At the company I’m at, I run the risk of getting shot for not wearing the badge. That makes me a tad less rebelous. (But I still refuse to wear the badge around my neck)