• BCsven@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    I would disagree with the fooling, because if I try to sing I know its bad or wrong instantly because I have the full audio clip in my head to compare to. I can describe it in extreme detail, and recall the bass line, guitar, other instruments, even the unique vocal sound from a singer, and even direct somebody in how/why they don’t sound like the song. i just have zero muscial ability on my own. Now if it is drawing though I can recall in 3d and draw a map or house plan down to fine detail after seeing it once and even decades ago. It’s like what they call those flashbulb memories. Faces I would say are fooled in my head as you said about landscapes. I can visualize somebodies faces somewhat, but couldn’t draw them very accurately. And names I will often forget if I haven’t seen the person in a long time. The brain is weird. My wife does not know what I look like if she closes her eyes. I had sent a picture of a coworker before and she asked when I shaved my beard? I’m like that isn’t me. LOL