If we for instance take, as an example, someone thoroughly explaining something which is clear to 99,9999% of the earths adult population don’t you think the remaining .0001% could come up with some? I get that this community is a place to allow people to ask questions they can’t or won’t ask elsewhere but I certainly feel stupid sometimes when I ask questions while attending courses etc.

So bottom line, how do you ask questions when you feel stupid?

  • average650@lemmy.world
    il y a 1 an

    Absolutely there are stupid questions.

    But a question is never stupid just because you don’t know the answer.

    People are afraid of looking stupid by asking a question that other people know the answer to. That’s understandable, but its better to ask and learn then to be ignorant forever. And that’s the kind of question people want to make room for when they say there are no stupid questions.

    However, questions that are off topic, or trolly, can be stupid because they aren’t asked in good faith.