I sometimes post news articles that examine possible problems in society. Some may agree with the author, some may disagree. I often see these posts being downvoted if many disagree with the author.

Why do you downvote the post instead of commenting to express your disagreement?

As far as I understand, the idea is to upvote the post to spur conversation and comment to express your agreement or disagreement. Or did I misunderstand something?

  • Tedesche@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Op-Eds are often “news analysis” pieces that are one of the main ways publishers try to shape the National dialogue around a subject or issue; it’s literally how newspapers sculpt culture. So, if I see one sculpting culture in a way I don’t like, I downvote it. If I feel the issue is important through to me and I have the energy at the time, I may comment, but that usually involves exposing myself to lots of angry, retaliatory comments and downvoting, and I don’t always have the patience for that.