Why isn’t anyone talking about this? It looks like Meta wants to compete with Twitter with a new Instagram microblogging app which will probably be compatible with Mastodon

Key Point of the article:

*“Soon, our app will be compatible with certain other apps like Mastodon,” Instagram’s slide says. “Users on these other apps will be able to search for, follow and interact with your profile and content if you’re public, or if you’re private and approve them as followers.” *

The Verge - This is Instagram’s new Twitter competitor

  • TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Are you thinking that because of r/OkBuddyRetard? Baka is a way to say “idiot”

    Baka is a coverup word for all the people who know this word from anime. Alternate subreddits are always formed this way. I watch enough anime to know weaboos like the back of my hand.

    You’re asking me if I want

    You ignored the one zillion things I mentioned about what majority of content is, and that everything is a package. Society cannot be restructured in a cherry picking manner. People talk shit and they will always talk shit.

    I want it to be like reddit but better. I want it to be a reddit with actual free speech.

    There is no free speech. Mastodon instances have openly stated this for years. Same goes for Lemmy. Also, watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNdACDcDkTI

    twoxx FDR

    I know about this. You could just… not browse them. They are on the startpage but that doesn’t mean they’re good or what I want.

    Humans are social animals. They love the social drama. They love negativity even more. These are simple dynamics based on how social media in general works today, and also based upon hundreds of years of observations. Default and popular content takes over everything, no matter how good something else may be. And often the default content happens to be vicious or dramatic or negative vortex of some kind.

    I have seen reddit for many years, as well as internet platforms and forums. Utopia is enticing to imagine but is not possible. And striving for it comes with inherent risks that are sometimes not worth it. Internet is like a village, and tinier groups migrate together anywhere, not individually.