Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that “Western handlers put an ethnic Jew in charge of modern Ukraine” to “cover up the anti-human nature” of Ukraine.

    1 year ago

    Adolf Hitler’s speech announcing the declaration of war on the United States of America:

    We know that this man [Franklin D Roosevelt], with his Jewish supporters, has operated against Japan in the same way. I don’t need to go into that here. The same methods were used in that case as well. This man first incites to war, and then he lies about its causes and makes baseless allegations.

    We know the power behind Roosevelt. It is the same eternal Jew that believes that his hour has come to impose the same fate on us that we have all seen and experienced with horror in Soviet Russia. We have gotten to know first-hand the Jewish paradise on earth. Millions of German soldiers have personally seen the land where this international Jewry has destroyed and annihilated people and property. Perhaps the President of the United States does not understand this. If so, that only speaks for his intellectual narrow-mindedness.

    And we know that his entire effort is aimed at this goal: Even if we were not allied with Japan, we would still realize that the Jews and their Franklin Roosevelt intend to destroy one state after another.

    We National Socialists are not at all surprised that the Anglo-American, Jewish and capitalist world is united together with Bolshevism.

    A look at the documents of the [Polish] Foreign Ministry in Warsaw later provided the surprising explanation. They told of the role of a man [President Roosevelt] who, with diabolical lack of principle, used all of his influence to strengthen Poland’s resistance and to prevent any possibility of understanding. These reports were sent by the former Polish ambassador in Washington, Count [Jerzy] Potocki, to his government in Warsaw. These documents clearly and shockingly reveal the extent to which one man and the powers behind him are responsible for the Second World War.

    The circle of Jews around Roosevelt encouraged him in this. With Old Testament vindictiveness they regarded the United States as the instrument that they and he could use to prepare a second Purim against the nations of Europe, which were increasingly anti-Jewish. So it was that the Jews, in all of their satanic baseness, gathered around this man, and he relied on them.

    The American president increasingly used his influence to create conflicts, intensify existing conflicts, and, above all, to keep conflicts from being resolved peacefully. For years this man looked for a dispute anywhere in the world, but preferably in Europe, that he could use to create political entanglements with American economic obligations to one of the contending sides, which would then steadily involve America in the conflict and thus divert attention from his own confused domestic economic policies.

    I kind of feel like the “satanic Anglo-American-Polish Jew alliance forced us to invade and annex our neighboring countries” script potential has been thoroughly explored already.

    1 year ago

    No matter how Putin tries to spin this shit, he is defeated. No reasonable person is going to give his excuses more than a millisecond consideration, and even that is a waste of time. His whole existence is a (self-inflicted) mistake.

    1 year ago

    Western handlers put an ethnic Jew in charge of modern Ukraine to cover up the anti-human nature of Ukraine.

    Says the leader of the anti-human nature of Orchistan.