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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Slavic_naming_customs#Grammar

    The surnames that originally are short (-ov, -ev, -in) or full (-iy/-oy/-yy) Slavic adjectives, have different forms depending on gender: male forms -ov, -ev, -in and -iy/-oy/-yy correspond to female forms -ova, -eva, -ina and -aya, respectively. For example, the wife of Борис Ельцин (Boris Yel’tsin) was Наина Ельцина (Naina Yel’tsina); the wife of Leo Tolstoy was Sophia Tolstaya, etc. All other, i.e. non-adjectival, surnames stay the same for both genders (including surnames ending with -енко (-yenko), -ич (-ich) etc.), unlike in many West Slavic languages, where the non-adjectival surname of men corresponds to derivative feminine adjectival surname (Novák → Nováková). Note the difference between patronymics and surnames ending with -ich: surnames are the same for males and females, but patronymics are gender-dependent (for example, Ivan Petrovich Mirovich and Anna Petrovna Mirovich)

  • Next time if you see something like that please report it with a two word explanation.
    This magazine/community takes a lot of my time, but I also have my day to day life, and I can’t check every post. I don’t think we need more moderators yet, but we do need more people talking about the problems and negative posts in this magazine/community.

    Please feel free to report anything that you think doesn’t fit this sub, even if it was posted by me. I’m always open to criticism and new suggestions.