I’m trying to understand how an app would even get that info in the first place, how that’s classified and why a mobile operating system even has a way to provide that data.

Am I correct in assuming that if an app is used without play store / play store framework that it would not be able to get access to that data?


  • daddycool@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    It’s not the OS that’s collecting that data. It’s the apps and online services you use. Remember, if something is free, it’s likely that you’re the product.

    In the case of threads, it’s owned by Meta, so if you have a facebook or instagram account, then you have willingly agreed to letting them collect, store and use all your data.

    Edit: Oh, I think I understand your question now. You’re refering to the apps privacy terms, right? Well, it has access to monitor all activity on your phone. As default, your phones OS allows this, but you can disable it for each app installed. But this will probably result in the app not working right.