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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • The main issue is more funding won’t help; all it does is patch things up, and the root causes of the issues never get solved.

    With reform, you could remove bureaucracy where it causes issues and add it where there’s breakdowns in communications instead of just adding more funding to improve capacity in one obvious area and expose a bottleneck immediately before or after it, making the majority of the extra funding wasted

  • Personally I know more people who’ve moved away from Labour than to it, I just acknowledge that people outside of cities exist and that I live in something of a bubble.

    Refusing to accept that is the sort of thinking that gets Reform so many votes as many people in large cities forget that the majority of the population don’t live in cities, and so don’t suffer from the problems there so much (higher cost of living and lower labour availability than rural areas) and so don’t care so much about progressive or socialist policies.

    EDIT: sorry, it’s late, I misread, I’ll keep this up and maybe edit again later because I’m too sleepy to respond to what you actually said right now

  • Also don’t forget both the Tories and Labour variously doing major projects only for the next government to take the credit, while simultaneously criticising the previous govenment for both not investing and spending more than them, as the next government only finished the project and aren’t starting anything new.

    “Luckily” the Tories know they have no chance of winning, so they’re cancelling all the major projects and salting the earth so that Labour don’t get to take the credit in a few years.

    (representative democracy is a scam give me an absolute monarch or direct democracy only please & thank you)

    (or frankly the realistic option of elected people who set the agenda and weekly referendums where people vote on the things they care about and abstain/don’t show up for other things)

  • I just find the saving mechanism frustrating to use compared to vim’s as an entry level user, and now as a mid-skilled user I dislike how featureless nano is - when I was first learning how to use the terminal I hated having to edit anything as I was pretty much force-fed nano with no alternative provided, but on finding vim and remembering literally 3 things (:w, :q and i) everything became so much easier, but I definitely do have an extra bitter taste left about not being told about something much easier to use which irked me when I saw someone preaching how amazing nano is

    I also really don’t get the hate for vim when remembering 3 things gives you as much/more functionality as nano and is a starting point for so much more functionality - intuitive doesn’t mean featureless and don’t try and pretend nano’s shortcuts are the same as 99% of other editors (text or otherwise), in fact they’re totally different, making it less intuitive