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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Rewriting huge parts of the IDL compiler for Nucom, my implementation of Microsoft’s COM binary interface standard and (in the future) network protocol. The original version was hacked together with a lot of assumptions made in the parser and isn’t very extensible, and I do need to extend it now.

    (Nucom is another way to have a stable ABI for Rust, e.g. for a plugin interface, and for Rust/C++ (and more OOP-style C) interop, based on objects with vtable pointers. And hopefully sometime in the future, transparent IPC and networking so you don’t have to load plugins into your process’s memory space if they don’t need to be there, with it working the same as if it were direct calls. All of this I assume you can already do on Windows with the windows-rs crate but it’s obviously Windows-only.)

    I do have to say though, I need a better way of transforming my syntax tree. Right now I’m just copying the struct definitions over and over for each compile stage and manually writing code to copy everything instead of just the parts I’m actually transforming, and it just seems like there has to be a better way. I might want another proc macro for this.

  • Traits like std::io::Write are essentially Strategy pattern. Take a look at how that’s used. You’re doing it mostly how I would, except for the Box<dyn T>. Generally it’s preferred to use generic functions/types in Rust instead of dynamic dispatch, i.e. have a fn do_something<T: MyTrait>(imp: T) instead of a fn do_something(imp: &dyn MyTrait).

  • If you know a better one I’d love to hear about it

    OCaml’s OPAM. They actually took into account that it could be desirable to use software written in other languages in your OCaml project. It even has a bunch of stuff packaged that’s written in Rust. Imagine that the other way around. It only has stub packages for compilers like gcc but I assume that’s likely because they don’t want to have people spend hours building the whole thing themselves when there’s a perfectly good one on their system, rather than it not being possible to do.

    I love Rust but I will die on this hill that combining package manager and build system like Cargo does and then only making it work for a single language is a lot worse than what C++ does, because if it doesn’t work for your project you’re screwed. Everything expects you to use Cargo, especially if you intend to publish a library, with C++ you can at least pretty much always get the build setup to do what you need, and you can import whatever as long as it comes with a pkg-config file.

    Added on top of that is a modern dependency management system that is severely needed in languages like C and C++

    You’re looking for Nix (unless you’re a Windows developer, work on getting that to work is ongoing). There’s very likely other good ones too, but this is the one I like and am familiar with. The difference is that it’s not a package manager for C++, but a package manager that also packages C++ packages. Which makes it so much more versatile than something like Cargo, because you can accurately represent dependency chains regardless of what language each package is written in. My Nix + CMake projects will build consistently on every Linux or Mac computer (you can’t say the same for Rust crates because they will look for stuff in system directories because Cargo can’t package anything that isn’t Rust), and you can depend on them similarly to how you would a Rust crate, with the difference that you can depend on them not only in another C++ project, but also in a Python package, a Go package, or whatever else that can be packaged with Nix. And if you can’t use Nix, then you can always build the CMake project directly, package it somewhere else maybe, because the two parts are not coupled together at all.

  • Double the cost?! Jesus, if it were that high here I wouldn’t. I basically order from two restaurants when I do, for one of them that uses one of these delivery apps it’s around 20% more since they list higher prices per dish than on their menu and have a 1.50€ delivery fee on top, but the restaurant I usually order at where you can order delivery directly has a flat 1.50€ delivery fee with same prices as the menu so that’s around 7% more than going in person (usually I order for around 20€).

    It doesn’t arrive cold since they put it in one of these isolation boxes. Especially in the winter I think that’s better than me getting it myself which is a 10 minute bike ride, without an isolation box. I’m gonna have to try that next summer though. Never hurts getting a bit of exercise and I actually never checked until now and assumed it would be more like 30 minutes lol