Yet another refugee who washed up on the shore after the great Reddit disaster of 2023

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月12日


  • I’m not an expert, but it’s a very complex global system with moisture in the atmosphere sometimes falling as rain/snow, collecting in rivers and lakes, going into ground water/aquifers, flowing into the oceans, and sometimes just staying as moist air. If one area isn’t getting it’s usual rainfall, quite often another area is getting more, but it can also be that the moisture is just in other parts of that complex system. A lot is driven by high- and low-pressure systems, air temperature, water temperature, etc.

    In my area of southern California, we’ve had some major, extended droughts. But the rising temperature of the Pacific has caused the air to hold more moisture, and we’ve also had some “atmospheric river” storms that drop insane amounts of rain. So even though we get an average of 13 inches of rain a year, we got more than 13 inches in just February, and we’re up to almost 31 inches for the season. It wouldn’t be surprising if we didn’t get anymore until late in the year though.

    Some of that rain went into snowpack, some into reservoirs, some into ground water, but we’re close to the coast and all of it will go back to the ocean. Did we get rain that would normally have gone elsewhere, or was it rain that wouldn’t normally have formed? I think it’s likely hard to say, but maybe there are meteorologists or others who know more reading this.

  • My understanding is that it’s still with us, but it’s evolved over time to be much less deadly, and that that’s the biggest reason it’s not much of a problem for us. We probably have some more immunity to the original strain because of our exposure to the evolved version, so I doubt the original would be as much of a problem as it was in 1918 (and because medicine has drastically improved), but it might not be a walk in the park.

    Seems like a shitty weapon of you can’t control it and it’s going to end up impacting your own people as much as anyone else, but maybe the terrorists in the show didn’t care.

  • I usually try to approach questions like this as if one of my kids was asking (I’m older, and have been working for 38+ years). This one is hard because I can’t tell if you’re being realistic - and I don’t mean that as an insult; you seem to be unsure if you’re being realistic, too.

    You’re right that there’s drama everywhere. It’s also pretty hard to find a sizable group of people anywhere without having a few you don’t really care for. My personal approach to this kind of situation is to try really hard to be respectful and professional to all of my coworkers, whether I like them or not, but to also be aware that I’m not obligated to socialize with anyone if I don’t want to. It’s 100% fine to be a loaner. If someone gives you shit about it, think of how you’d feel if they gave you shit because your shirt was blue or your height was average: there’s zero to be ashamed of about those things, so it just makes them look dumb or weird.

    But at the end of the day, you spend a huge hunk of your life at work, and if you’re miserable you should find another place, whether your misery is reasonable or not. The key to being happy with it is to decide if the place is okay, and so you’re going to make it work, or it’s not tenable for you and so you’re going to find someplace else and then make it happen. The worst part is having one foot on each side of that line and feeling stuck.

    Good luck and let us know what you decide!