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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • 3x base salary at least. No-thought commute, so maybe provide transportation for me. I currently live what is about 1.5hrs away each way now and there isn’t a public transportation option.

    Commute time should count towards my “8 hour work day”. No distracting desk drive bys. Provided breakfast and lunch or an optional lunch stipend or whatever to cover if I go somewhere near the office.

    Not sounding great for the company? It isn’t meant to. It would be nearly impossible to get me to go back to the office, as it should be.

    I’m not being unreasonable. I am at least twice as productive since working from home and even simple internal reports can prove that. I’m also 2-3x happier and less stressed, nothing can really replace that.

  • You sound like me. I’m diagnosed autistic (mildly), I’m a software engineer, I’m introverted, I’m definitely liberal leaning, and…I live in Oregon.

    For now, I love it here (except Portland proper). So many great restaurants, bars, breweries, wineries, and a crap ton of trails and other parks and sights and sounds.

    I live semi-rural and half the businesses here have pride flags and BLM signage. I’m non-white, but don’t feel unsafe walking around where I am at night. My tech contract jobs are remote and I make more than enough to live comfortably.

    It rains a lot here… though less so these days it seems. It’s weird how many 100+ degree days we get now, but it’s still a lot less than other people I know.

    I’m rambling. If you want to know more, just ask.

  • I put electrical tape over all of them. They’re unnecessary, they’re annoying.

    I tried my best to build a new computer without any LEDs and I couldn’t. So now I just keep a piece of cardboard in front of my glass case side so I don’t have to look at that bullshit.

    Yeah, yeah, it probably causes it to run hotter. I’ll take a little more heat, less performance, and possibly shorter overall component life over having to deal with those stupid lights.