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Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • I don’t mean it that literally. I mean just observing swaths of people putting straws into drinks, putting ointments on scrapes, etc might make them extrapolate and try similar actions using what’s available to them.

    It’s not much of a reach for a primate seeing a human manipulate and dig with a shovel, and use that as inspiration to manipulate a bamboo shoot to scratch their own back.

    We homosapiens spent 180,000 ish years wandering around in the dirt like idiots before it occurred to some of us that we could grow food in one place, thus beginning the path to civilization. Even we need examples to extrapolate from.

  • Reminding myself that humanity will almost certainly destroy itself within hundreds of years if not sooner. Too willfully ignorant, short-sighted, impatient, and selfish to wield the dangerous powers science and technology has unlocked responsibly. Barely smart enough to engineer doomsday devices with great effort, nowhere near smart enough to choose to disassemble them and build something pro-social with the parts.

    It probably seems very weird, but it reminds me that any anxiety about meeting the expectations of human constructs is unnecessary and pointless. We’re a bunch of monkeys with nukes drunk on unearned self-importance at each other’s throats on our way back into the dust we crawled out of, like almost every other species the Earth ever spawned. Just enjoy the circus, especially the clowns that take the circus super seriously.

  • I mean, the very existence of magic kind of nullifies the concept of math as a means to ascertain objective fact.

    What good is 2+2 when 2 eyes of newt plus 2 legs of frog leads to random quantities of dancing forks with literally no respect as to the how because magic?

    Math can’t quantify a world where physical laws are replaced by literal nonsense, and if math could ultimately explain the mechanics of magic and predict the outcomes of its applications, the magic wouldn’t be magic anymore, it would just be another great force of the universe like gravity or electromagnetism to be mapped by the scientific community.

  • I primaried and phone banked for Sanders twice, to nothing but ridicule from regular Americans for calling him too extreme and unrealistic. I supported Occupy Wall Street which was also met by little more than ridicule by those that should have joined.

    It’s not their fault, we’ve all been propagandized from birth through the curriculum the oligarchs inform from K-Colleges of economics, and the media they own to claim “the free (unregulated, rigged) market is self-correcting and virtuous, and anyone who doesn’t thrive under it deserves their suffering.” But the fact remains, the victims of this system are also its most numerous blind defenders.

    I’m not sure how reframing would change this reality. In my experience, the more informed about the situation, the more hopeless one recognizes it is. But as I said, Rome always falls in the end, and even the 3,000 billionaires on Earth can’t prevent entropy with their propaganda.

    It’s a tragedy, and it’s sad to watch though.

  • As should charter schools, they’re a market capitalist trojan horse to give what little funding is left in public ed to the rich. Some may claim to be “non-profit” but they all hire publically traded, FOR PROFIT charter management corporations. They steal the funding from public schools with each student to line wall street profits. And many of them advertise proudly how they preach greedy conservative ideologies.

    Challenger Charter Schools advertises in my area literally with a student saying he was taught “to want friends that can take care of themselves.” jfc

    Pretty fake front end hiding the orphan crushing, for profit backend. The owner class uses charity and non-profit good will as just another vector for their con game.

  • This is the American enshittification we the US have been exporting since the Reagan giveaway to turn actual societies into piggy banks for the global rigged market capitalist owner class in their insatiable need for growth/metastasis, just as the US is. They only need a few people in the right positions to accept the faustian bargain of “You can live large, in decadence you’d never believe!.. All you have to do is betray your countrymen and let us exploit them without mercy.”

    It works, sadly. There’s always a few ambitious wormtongues in the right places willing to stab their neighbors in the back to get into the little sociopath club. The UK has long since fallen to this bargain, the French are fighting, but losing.

    I fear for the last shining beacon of civilization when the market capitalist oligarchs succeed in destroying the Nordic societies with our unrestrained greed disease, then they can declare “there’s no better way” without a prominent example to the contrary.