Angry_Autist (he/him)

IED(EDS) sufferer and spectrum surfer. You probably won’t like what I have to say.

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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2024


  • I dunno man, they’re really happy with the work life balance and the C-suites are happy with their productivity.

    It’s funny even our sales and logistics departments are wfh, and the only people I ever see on the off chance I need to load a tape rack or something is security and building maintenance.

    And we’ve been RIDICULOUSLY profitable all through covid. In fact covid only served to show the remaining staff how productive WFH is.

    We are making so much money rn that they don’t even CARE about property costs and they leave the lights and AC on 24/7 for maybe 2 people in the entire site, and our 3 satellite sites are just as empty.

    Sure there may be some A type salesbro personalities that need to be around others to work effectively, the largely spectrum oriented development community needs no such frippery.

  • Your anger doesn’t upset me,

    I’m glad because it is mostly uncontrollable without medication and no medication works for more than a month or two.

    I’ve been seeing a therapist for years, thanks, and she has been amazing at giving me ways to deal with my EDS. And trust me when I say that I am well known to my friends and family as being a sometimes too empathic person with metric fucktonnes of compassion. Self control? Nope, and I was born that way and the first thirty years of my life was a living hell until I finally found a doctor that could diagnose me correctly.

    And trust me, typing long winded responses to people who have already blocked me is a legit part of my therapy.

    Have a day, I hope we shan’t meet again.

  • Again, she’s got a degree, you likely don’t. I trust her judgment and it hasn’t been wrong in years. Please go bother someone else before I excise you from my internet experience forever.

    You’ve made a thousand posts in a month. I

    Bitch I have been posting on the internet since before it had pictures, and if you think a thousand posts in a month is significant, then you don’t want to hear about when I still had a reddit account.

    Yes she knows, no she is not concerned and even considers it good therapy for me to practice handling my EDS, which I have to say has been a significant improvement in my quality of life. I mean just look at this post, I BARELY insulted you! 5 years ago that wouldn’t be the case and confronted with your rancid presence I would likely already be banned.

    You are concern trolling and on any rational media platform that should be an instaban.

  • our delivery is crass. I

    I don’t care?

    You’ve made the conversation worse by adding to i

    The opposite in fact, I pointed out the intellectually dishonest tactic of the thought terminating cliche and then made reference to the actual study, which apparently all of you who ‘read the article’ seemed to miss the link to, and are kind of salty that I did not.

    g besides your own opinion

    5 decades of experience dealing with average people has proven to me that rarely has my opinion been the less functional one. Yes I am arrogant, and I don’t really care much about the opinions of others because most people never really bother giving any serious thought to anything they repeat or insist and I’m tired of the time and effort I do take to deepen my understanding of these topics is casually dismissed.

    Have you ever sat down and thought about how a dollar flows through the economy from printing to disposal? I have and it took hours across several days, and I’m STILL SURE I missed some aspects of counterfeiting and outsider art but I can bet you a box of donuts that almost no one in this thread has even spent more than 120 minutes in their lives considering it unless it is part of their degree or career. Not even hedge fund managers know the whole picture.

    Or how about figuring out the square acreage of space farm you would need to feed and oxygenate a single human? Because I have and it’s 17 - 22 acres depending on how many legumes you can stand in your diet for your average human. I don’t even think the Muskrat has broken down the circular crop rotation cycle well enough to keep their soil fertile for 3 harvests and he STILL thinks he’s going to get to Mars in his lifetime.

    That’s the other thing that pisses me off, there are a fucktonne of idiots with bad ideas that fail constantly making a hell of a lot more money than the people who predicted those failures and were promptly ignored.

    It’s like a Cassandra complex but instead of having meaningful prophecy ignored, it’s a clear eyed vision of our current present reality that gains the most scorn and vitriol. It kind of makes me hate all of humanity until proven otherwise on an individual basis.