Ms. ArmoredThirteen

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • Haha, in highschool I put sheep.exes into the school labs startup folders as a prank once. A couple days later the tech teacher approached me and was like “nobody’s in trouble but these things are a nightmare and if I have to reimage half the lab to get rid of them it would personally ruin my day”. Somehow all the sheep were gone by the next day

  • I worked for the state once and the number of times I had to put my foot down for security was appalling. We’re talking like getting web services updated to use basic password auth could take months and I’d be pressured by management to ignore it because some asshat using the service doesn’t want to update their 30 year old batch file to deal with auth. Other people would regularly push things that could easily expose thousands of people’s identifying info just to get management off their backs. A couple projects I think I was specifically kept away from because they were “mission critical” and they didn’t want me slowing it down with trivial stuff like not leaking unencrypted databases…

  • The fee CGC charges though is based on the value of the item. The reasoning I got was because they couldn’t determine a value they didn’t know what to charge for their fee and eventually I just told them to send it back (this was after months of trying to figure it out). It has been a while though so maybe better luck this time around? I didn’t know about CBCS either so might just try them thank you for the suggestion

  • Depends what you’re in the mood for:

    • I personally love Paranoia. It is very much a comedy game but it can be played with a serious take with the right work. Plus it is just a fun read even if you don’t play it.
    • Rifts is pretty baller conceptually but I don’t have first hand experience playing it.
    • GURPS has a Car Wars crossover making it objectively one of the best games, can be played with any level of tech, and has buckets of supplements.
    • The Burning Wheel is more fantasy but the book is basically a philosophy of play which could be adapted to lots of things, and the same author wrote Burning Empires which is more scifi but I haven’t acquired that one so can’t give first hand info on it either.
    • Can’t forget Car Wars. It is scifi though it is a mix of ttrpg and strategy/board. If you want to drive a car off a cliff while dropping mines on a helicopter as you go by and have your robot gunner leaning out the window shooting lasers at a tank it is the way to go.
    • Finally I’ll pitch HōL because the game is just so unhinged. It is all hand written and scanned, it’s edgy and crass, and is a great parody of roleplaying games. It’s engaging and fun to read with great art but realistically quite difficult to functionally play because the rules are intentionally a mess. The Buttery Wholesomeness supplement added character creation rules which don’t exist in the base game because it is a mess.

  • I have when I was in high school. It is in fact a wild movie worth a watch! Finding a copy of it can be a bit of a pain so I’m on the hunt. I prefer to purchase from people who aren’t on eBay idk why, seems more in the spirit of things to me. So like I could grab a copy of this one on eBay but I’d like to find someone like you who has a copy they’re looking to sell before I resort to that. There is a used music and movie store near me I go into sometimes to try and track down some gems it’s got a very personal feel to it being able to flip through things physically.