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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Atomic@sh.itjust.workstoAsklemmy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    9 months ago

    Reading the comments, smiling at the fact that so much people complaining about is already illegal here and not a problem.

    Personally. I’d make it illegal to start small talk about the fucking weather. I can see that’s raining too. Yes that is annoying. Haha, no I won’t put shampoo in my hair on my way home. I don’t know when it will stop. Do I look like a meteorologist?

  • And where does teens get the idea to smoke from? Is it from grandpa that coughs louder than a jet engine? Or is it the older cooler teens who got the idea from older teens, who got the…

    You get the point.

    I smoked as a teen because some of my friends did, they smoked because some of their friends did. And you don’t have to look very far to find the 18-20 year olds who provided them.

    Luckily, I never smoked much and mostly kept it to social smoking which made it very easy for me to quit once I grew up and developed some brain-cells that enjoyed co-operating with eachother.

  • you’ll see that majority of the users still prefer wired.

    Do I now? Because whenever I’m outside. I see people with wireless earbuds. I see wireless headphones. But you know what I almost never see? Wired headphones.

    The fact that lithium-ion batteries aren’t good after 3 years is well established, there are many articles on this from reputed sources. It’s not something I made up.

    The fact my jabras have more than enough battery for that to not be noticeable after 7 years makes it irrelevant.

    And yes, you citing apple IS irrelevant because you’re doing it as a response to my success with Jabra earbuds. You’re using them as some kind of argument against why me having good products that are working well doesn’t actually matter.

    With your logic. Wired headphones suck because the 30 dollar pair I bought once were really bad. So therefore they’re all bad, and any good wired headphone you can mention. Is just an outliner that doesn’t reflect wired headphones as a whole. Because the majority of wired headphones are cheap garbage.

    I’m sorry, that I have really good Bluetooth wireless headphones and earbuds. It must truly shatter your world since you try to put so much effort into discrediting me for telling you they exist.

    If you want good wireless products, that doesn’t have the problems you’ve mentioned. They exist. You can buy them.

    If you want earbuds that last for more than 3 years. Don’t buy apple.

    I know your argument are shit, Because I’m sitting on the actual evidence and proof that your descriptions are not accurate. I’m telling you they work. And your response is “but these other things didn’t work!” So? Don’t get those other things then.

    There are millions of bad wired headphones. But I assume, you don’t buy those. You buy the good ones. Apply the same logic to wireless. And you won’t have the problems mentioned.

    Please wash off your makeup. White and red is not a good look on anyone.

  • You’re really just repeating the same fallacy over and over. If you go to a bakery to buy bread, and then didn’t like the bread.

    Are you going to blame it on bread in general. Or are you going to blame the baker?

    What you’re doing here, is blaming the bread for being bread, competed ignoring the fact that the baker simply doesn’t know what he’s doing.

    Any argument I put forth you simply refuse to accept. And it’s amazing to me, that you who doesn’t prefer to use wireless. Have such a vast experience with them that you can speak in general terms for all of them.

    Your bad purchase does not reflect the entire category.

    Apple using low battery life on their product does not reflect on the entire category.

    Their apple watch has battery that last for 1 day. My Samsung galaxy watch lasts for 5 days

    You complain they don’t have battery. I tell you that is not really the case, good earplugs can last for many years. But you simply refuse to accept that, citing a different brand?

    The amount of wired earplugs that lay on the landfills VASTLY outnumber wireless earplugs.

    You don’t like wireless because you’re stuck 10 years in the past and can’t get over that it has progressed a lot. Citing your bad purchase as proof. You ask how to know what to buy. I tell you how. And you refuse it.

    I like wireless because I have good products that work incredibly well without issues with wonderful features that is not only convenient, but makes my life easier.

    There is not a single wired product that can do what my jabras allow. And that’s a fact.

    If wireless are so generally bad as you think. Why do everyone use them? If they were so bad as you think. Wouldn’t everyone be fed up? The answer is simple. You’re stuck in a personal grudge where any argument for them will be brushed off by you as not representative of wireless as a whole. Or you simply refuse to even believe it.

    Yes. My jabras really are that old. Yes, their battery is still that good. Despite you believing it or not. You citing apple airpods is irrelevant. They have a short lifespan. So I don’t buy them. Because I don’t like to buy bad products. It really is that simple.

  • Let’s go over this once and for all. Because I’m sick of having to repeat myself.

    Wireless interfere and other connectivity/pairing issues can be summed up into 1 complaints.

    Connectivity issues.

    I have had a pair of Jabra earplugs and boss headphones combined for over 7 years now.

    Not once have i ever experienced connectivity issues while paired. I have had problems pairing to certain phones. But since that was specific to that phone. I’m not exactly going to blame the earplugs.

    Failure to reroute audio.

    That sounds very specific to certain headsets or earplugs. It’s a product issue. Not a Bluetooth issue. As mentioned many times. My headset does it seamlessly between devices. It’s not a problem if you buy a good pair of headsets/earplugs.

    Future OS update or headphone firmware update could break things.

    That could probably be the case sometimes. Most likely won’t last very long if you report the problem.

    Battery health will degrade over time, which typically means you need to buy a new headphone every few years

    My jabras are going strong despite being almost 7 years old. They easily last an entire day of normal use. But yes battery do degrade. That’s part of the price you pay for the convenience of not needing a wire. Maybe I’ll have to replace them once they hit the 10 year mark. But I’m OK with that. Sounds worth it to me.

    it’s a hassle to have yet another thing to charge.

    That is very personal don’t you think? These days remembering to charge things is as easy as remembering to put them in their place. An organized person will have little trouble putting things in the same place once they are done with them.

    I can’t replace a wire on my wired headset to my computer. Would have to open them up (somehow while not breaking them) and re-soldier a new cable and THAT is a real hassle. Gonna have to buy a soldiering iron too. Probably best for most to let a repair shop do it then. Same as a battery replacement.

  • No. It just means you have more problems with purchasing wireless products. How many people live in New Zealand? 5 million? So wireless headsets are bad, because 5 million kiwis can’t go to a store and try them. Is that your reasoning?

    What are these way more problems? You’ve listed 2.

    Bad wireless connection Batteries can run out.

    Wired headsets can have Bad wires or bad male/female connectors too so not really an exclusive problem.

    But sure. Batteries CAN run out. Good thing most decent wireless headsets also come with a wired option.

    This doesn’t make them generally worse. It just makes them worse for YOU. Because you’re a kiwi who can’t go to a Playtech store or something.

  • You’re so irrationally upset about this that you can’t even see how you contradict yourself in your essays.

    And why are you quoting me, quoting you?

    Any decent wireless won’t have the problems you’ve mentioned But mine did though,

    It’s clearly not very decent then if you have those problems.

    Not really, because my experience is primarily with wired headphone

    Your personal lack of knowledge and experience in other fields is not an argument against anything. We get it. YOU don’t like wireless because YOU had a bad experience. That’s ok. But why you seem to think your lack of knowledge is somehow an argument against wireless=bad is unclear to me.

    If you’ve got some sort of secret website or method to determine if a headset is decent or not, I’m all ears.

    I do this cool thing where I go to my store. And I ask to try the headset I’m interested in. I get personal hands on experience. I connect it to my phone, and to my watch. And I see how it handles two connections at the same time. It’s not rocket science.

  • Aha… so now that it comes to wired, the “how are you supposed to know” doesn’t apply anymore?

    You bought a shitty wireless and use that to hate on the entire protocol.

    I’ve bought bad wired ones where the wire breaks easily, but the same logic doesn’t seem to apply there for you.

    Any decent wired headset has easily replaceable cables?

    Any decent wireless won’t have the problems you’ve mentioned. And the battery is not going to be a problem for many many years. My boss ones are on their fourth year. Still get out 7-8 hours of non stop usage which is more than enough for me.

    But sure. They do degrade. That’s factually true and inevitable. It’s part of the price for the convenience of not having to deal with a cable.

    But you hit the nail on the head yourself. “Any decent headset”. Same thing can be applied to wired, as wireless. Buy decent products and you won’t have issues.

    “How are you supposed to know” goes for both too. You can’t tailor your argument to only work for one type and ignore it for the other.

  • Your argument is irrational. So because Ford makes terrible quality cars all cars are bad? I mean. If we can’t trust the company that made the first industrially made car, then who can we trust? After all, there’s so very little that can go wrong with a bicycle or ones own legs.

    I talked about Sony because YOU said you had problem with them. Where you admit that you bought it very close after launch where not many reviews had come out.

    You think wired headsets can’t get fucked by faulty drivers? Have you ever had an issue with your audio drivers as a whole? I have. Doesn’t matter if you use wired or wireless then.

    I’m telling you point blank. There are good products where it works seemless between different devices. But you just won’t have it cause you had a bad experience once with a poor purchase from your end.

    If you wanna use wired by my guest. More products on the shelf for me. But your stance against Bluetooth as a whole is ridiculous. Shall we say wired headsets are garbage because what it the wire gets damaged? Man cable close to the the male connection always end up breaking! Terribly unreliable!

  • I don’t think your point stands at all.

    If you’re asking how someone is supposed to know without knowing then the answer is you can’t. Obviously.

    You looked at biased reviews that had clearly not tested the product in the manner of which you wanted to use it. You made a bad purchase. I’m sorry. But that’s not the fault of Bluetooth. That’s the fault of Sony.

    Are you going to claim that smartphones are hot garbage just because Nokia made a really shitty one? They were a reputable phone brand too. Until they weren’t. Maybe you just learned that the hard way with Sony.

  • That’s not a Bluetooth problem. It’s a device problem. Google wrote shitty software.

    I got some boss headphones and Jabra earbuds. Never had any of those problems with my devices. Not even when switching between devices. The boss is always connected to both my laptop and phone. And the switch between which one it should use is seemless and pain-free. But like I said. It’s a question about software rather than protocol.