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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Thank you for literally proving my point. You realize that people are allowed to dislike things, right? Even if you don’t agree with it. You may hate dogs (for instance), that’s your prerogative, but others don’t get to judge you for it, simply because you know what you do and don’t like. So maybe stop being a judgy asshole. I KNOW I don’t like kids. Sure some might be ok for like a minute, but they aren’t for me. That doesn’t mean there is something wrong with me, or I’m trying to be edgy, or I have severe mental health issues, or that I’m an asshole, or that it’s an “interesting point of view”. It’s reality for a LOT of people. I KNOW myself. I know what I do and don’t like. I wish more people would realize it about themselves BEFORE they have kids, and hate them.

    You are absolutely in the bottom 1% of the minority then. I can count on one hand the amount of people who have said “good for you for knowing yourself” or “right on” or any variation of agreement/acceptance/confirmation when I have unequivocally started I did not want kids. I said it as a kid (like under 10 years old), and was told I’d change my mind. I said it in my teens, and was told that I would meet the right person and change my mind. I said it in my 20s, and I was told I’d change my mind I just had to wait for my biological clock. I said it in my 30s, and I was told my clock would start soon, and I’d change my mind. I’ve said it in my 40s, and I’m told “it’s not too late”.

    Not everyone likes children, and THAT’S OK.

  • Ok, probably going to get downvoted, but here we go. I HATE hate hate hate children and especially babies. They cause a visceral reaction in me and it’s not good.

    Their awful high pitched squeals, their sticky filthy hands, their germ carrying drippy snotty faces, their awful baby talk that doesn’t make sense, their smell (barf), that awful cooing/laugh I could go on forever. Add in the terrifying idea of carrying one of those parasites in my for 9 months and then popping it out, while destroying my body? No fucking thank you.

    Add in that if you say you’re childfree people ALWAYS try to convince you that you need one. “Oh when are you and husband having baybeeeeees?” Never. “What!?!?!? Why!?!?!? They are soooooooo pwecous”. “You need to have at least one. They are miracles, and gods gifts.” “Who will take care of you when you’re old, if you don’t have kids. How will you have purpose in your life?” Idk Karen, maybe I have other interests, and hobbies, or volunteer. I’m fully satisfied with my life WITHOUT kids. Of course this doesn’t ever shut people up.

    There are very few places on the internet, and really anywhere, where childfree people can actually, openly say how they feel. If you say things like “god won’t someone shut that screaming brat up” in public, best case you get the look of death. More likely a bunch of people chastising you for not being sympathetic to the poor mom, whose REALLY stressed out, obviously.

    All of that eventually breed the comments like “I’m going to put the baby in the microwave”. I know I’ve had to resort to it a few times with extra pushy people, who pester me every time they see me about kids. You get macabre enough and everyone eventually stops asking. Plus hyperbole is fun.

  • @dekema Understood, but what I think people are trying to say is that TikTok isn’t what you are looking for. It’s trash content to keep people scrolling. Arguably all social media is that, but TikTok also has the “bonus” of being enough chinese owned that it’s also a concerning data collection tool.

    There may be a handful of creators on there, but think just about every link from tiktok you see. Personally, every time I see anything from there it’s some dumb dance, some dumb car trend, or a new “challenge”, or someone rambling about something they did/someone they encountered in public.

    Unfortunately, if you want to make money, you need to whore yourself out on some form of social, and it’s usually mindless useless content. And because you need to post constantly, to keep the algorithms happy, the content suffers. TikTok, Twitter, and Facebook being the worst currently, imo.