• 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: January 23rd, 2022


  • Take the passive-aggressive nerd approach:

    1. Start a niche online movement that only cares about one aspect of computing and convinces people all their problems are caused by your pet peeve

    2. let the company dig its grave

    3. create a FOSS alternative

    4. sell a premium version for businesses (it includes phone support and management-friendly marketing matetials)

    5. congrats, you are now the de facto standard software in your field

  • You really have to be an asshole to live in Texas at this point

    Terrible take. A lot of us can’t “just move elsewhere.” All the surrounding states are still pretty conservative and shitty, moving isn’t free, and you can’t just sell all your shit and hitchhike and expect to be welcomed with open arms.

    It took all of my measly life savings just to move, I still struggled with housing and finding a job for months, healthcare is a removed, CoL is higher, and I have to live in the city long enough to find my footing when I was raised to be accustomed to smalltown life. Don’t get me started on the weather and day/night cycle and difference in climate, nature, environment. There’s a bit of culture shock there.

    And if all the non-fascists left, where are they supposed to go en masse? Somewhere that’s slightly better? Overwhelm blue states that aren’t prepared infrastructurally? A lot of the time, this kind of mass migration overwrites local culture and just ends up recreating the problems of the homeland. You’re telling me California can handle an influx of 12,000,000 psychologically damaged texans who need to be deprogrammed and integrated?

    Those are my comrades that are stuck in that hellhole, not some faceless NPCs who love trump and wholeheartedly support the decline towards theocratic fascism. That’s our home as much as it is the fuckin nazis’, and it sucks shit to be lumped in with them just because we’re not gung ho about completely starting over when we barely scraped by to begin with.

    Fuck you.

  • “Death is only the beginning” - Imhotep’s last line in The Mummy.

    A man that has been dead for a couple millenia and is about to return to death utters these ominous words. Yes, it’s probably just to leave the story open for a sequel, but the metaphysical implications are terrifying. He knows what it’s like, and he’s claiming that so much more comes after, but we’re just left with a vague notion of what it could be. What could this mean? Is there sunshine and rainbows? Eternal torture? An endless void? An infinite realm of possibilities has just opened up for us, the audience.

    But there’s no time for that shit, there’s gold and Benny’s a greedy sack of shit, the temple’s crumbling, and once they escape there’s a celebration and denoument to be had! We’ve all but forgotten that threat—or promise, as the case may be.

    One of the best ways I have ever seen writers leave the door ajar for a sequel. There’s no hand pushing up through the rubble, no sinister laugh as the screen fades to black, no “did anyone remember to check that he died for sure?” no cheesy gimmicks. Just an ominous vaguery, that may be about hinting at another installment, but still works by itself as a raw line that goes hard af.

  • we are also probably the only species that has members that sympathise with other species above ourselves

    I don’t buy that for a second, and neither would you if you’ve ever had a beloved pet. These little furry guys treat you like their bff, I can honestly see why some humans refer to them as fur babies.

    And it’s not just cats, dogs, and crows. If you know where to look (shoutouts to the BigBoye subreddit, for example), you can find evidence of all sorts of animal species befriending humans or other species outside their own.

  • Very nice! Jsyk, you can also use Shift + Ctrl + V for the one handed paste (likewise Shift + Ctrl + C to copy), or Shift + Insert (and Ctrl + Insert to copy) works too. If you’re on Windows, right clicking in CMD/Powershell pastes, Enter copies anything highlighted, and Ctrl + V work as usual… Ctrl + C copies too, except when a command/script is actively running, in which case it sends the halt signal, so use it at your own risk.

    I usually stick to the Ctrl + Shift shortcuts, but it messes me up when I’m trying to copy from firefox into my terminal and I accidentally bring up the devtools instead