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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • You should read the book Radical Candour. It will help you provide critical feedback in a respectful and empathic way. Saying “as a fellow dev…” is not a hall pass to light somebody’s work on fire, crap on their tech stack decisions, and claim your opinion is fact.

    Strong opinions are good. I appreciate strong opinions. I have many of my own. And i know you’re excited for this app and that it’s become a daily staple for you so you want it to succeed. But React Native is not a bad technology stack. In its nearly 10 years it has evolved and improved dramatically. Huge apps are written in React Native. I bet you use, or have used, some of them and don’t even know.

    Technology is a tool. You can write great software and equally bad software in any language or stack. I’ve used a lot of terrible iOS apps, and I’m sure some of them were written in Swift. A language or tech stack is not inherently bad, and claiming such is not constructive feedback, it’s being an asshole.

    Don’t be an asshole.

  • Yea. It’s something i noticed when first developed and thought “meh, whatever.” The problem is that rotating it 180 degrees, regardless of where the arrow starts/stops. So if you cross the thresholds back and forth quickly prior to the animation completing, well, the arrow starts to skew.

    Funny bug. I almost wanna keep it and have the arrow turn into a frowny face if a person does that. But animating SVGs isn’t something I’ve invested much time in learning yet.

  • Hey all. I’m the dude who implemented the new vote animations and really appreciate all the love it’s getting. I’m hearing two main pain points in the posts today:

    1. Some people are finding it difficult to swipe to go back.
    2. Some people would like to disable it entirely.

    Both understandable. Swipeable rows can sometimes impede a nav-back gesture unless you’re swiping from the very edge of the screen. I’ve seen a couple techniques to try and help with this which i can investigate.

    As for point 2, I’ll leave the prioritization of that up to @gk, but the plus side is from an implementation perspective it will be very simple to do.

    There’s a couple other small improvements I’d like to make to the voting/commenting animations as well. One should help with devices which either dont have haptic or have it disabled.
