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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • Let’s see if we can find any differences. Which party supports gun laws? Which party supports women’s rights to bodily autonomy? Which party supports mail in ballots? Which party believes that there was an attempted insurrection on Jan 6, 2021? Which party does not tout the ‘stollen’ election lie? Which party knows ‘stollen’ is not how you spell stolen? (Just a little joke to break up the wall of text.

    Now for a few other points which may help you see if they’re both the same…

    Which party refuses to even discuss putting any limits on gun rights? Which party believes a single cell nonviable organism trump’s a woman’s right to bodily autonomy? Which party thinks mail in ballots are an absolute no-go? Which party believes what happened on Jan 6 was a “peaceful protest”? Which party tells its constituents that the 2020 election was stolen?

    And last, but most importantly of all, which party has closed ranks around a past president who tried to overthrow the counting of the electoral counts, who has been caught on several audio recordings pressuring state officials to throw out their electoral votes?

    Maybe it’s just me, but I see a BIG difference.

  • I was once standing with my family in our breakfast nook, and a large ball of blue light floated in through the closed kitchen window. It was about the size of a basketball, very bright, kinda sparkly, and it was some sort of electricity, because it made all our hair stand straight up.

    It just hovered in the middle of the kitchen for a minute, while my family and I stood there with our mouths hanging open, then it slowly dissipated. We all looked at each other in disbelief, then continued setting the table like nothing had happened.

    I’m still not sure what it was. I call it ball lightning, but I really don’t know. It was a beautiful sunny day, not stormy at all.

  • It was not just a riot. It was a (thankfully failed) insurrection. He wanted to delay the counting of the electoral votes, maybe never count them at all. And if that failed, he and his minions plotted to put fake electors in place to get the votes of blue states thrown out. He pressured the VP to ignore the constitution and declare him president via the fake electors. Had Mike Pence had a little less integrity, it would have worked.

    Trump’s loose lips that shared secret information with foreigners. We lost many operatives around the world following his spillage of state secrets.

    It’s the stealing and refusing to return top secret/compartmentalized documents. It’s 91 federal indictments related to all the above. It’s the fact that he’s under indictment in more than one state.

    If none of that is enough for you:

    He dismantled the US pandemic rapid response centers, sentencing many Americans to death when Covid hit. He downplayed the virus, attacked the surgeon general & mocked him, refused to wear a mask or take any precautions at all. And he led close to half the country with him, causing Covid to hit us much more severely than it could have. He suggested using bleach and light internally as a cure.

    He drew on a map with a sharpie, to show us all where we should make a hurricane hit.

    He’s a vindictive man who delayed/withheld aid to California after devastating wildfires because they had not voted for him. “If they don’t like me, I don’t like them.”

    He is a man who acts like a toddler with the vocabulary of a third grader…a truly stupid man with mob-like tendencies.

    He’s aligned himself with white supremacists.

    He’s bragged about seeing teenage girls nude in the miss teen america dressing room. He has bragged about kissing women without their permission, of grabbing them by the pussy, talked earnestly about how big his newborn daughter’s boobs would get, talked about how he’d date her if she wasn’t his daughter, cheated on all his wives, buried one of them on a golf course, failed to maintain the burial site…just to save a couple of tax dollars.

    He fleeced the elderly and uneducated of this country by giving them fake coins and dollars in exchange for donations. He stiffed contractors and lawyers by failing to pay them after they’ve earned their pay.

    He is, at best, a pig who lusts for power and if he gets it back, he’ll not willingly let go.

    So it’s not just a joke riot. Trump did actual damage and is continuing to do so today by holding the entire GOP by the balls.

  • This exact thing will happen when society collapses, and we will all call it survival of the fittest.

    What would you have these poor people do? Sit on top of the rumble of their homes and watch their kids die of thirst and hunger? Watch them suffer from open wounds? Or take some water, some canned foods, antibiotic cream and gauze from a fully insured store?

    The ones taking tvs and things like that are foolish, at least in the short term, but they may be able to trade those items for supplies later.