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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I need to rewatch the episode, but I also felt like his recognition of him went deeper than “oh yeah, you’re that guy we saw in the street before with Mae”. Same thing with Yord. I could be way off here, but I felt like both of them had some kind of actual history with him. And maybe they didn’t realize it until he was up close and personal, because he was much older / different.

  • I’m really enjoying this one so far. There’s a few goofy things here and there but overall it’s one of the better Star Wars series. If you haven’t watched it yet, leave all baggage at the door, ignore the online angst, and just watch it for what it is: a space opera serial in the same lineage as Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers. It’s just brought up to a more modern style with a more diverse cast. Not a big deal. Watch it like your ten-year-old self would, and you’ll have a good time.

  • Boozilla@lemmy.worldtoData Is Beautiful@lemmy.mlBeautiful but worrying 🌍
    24 days ago

    What frustrates the hell out of me is that if they would just allow everyone who can work from home do so, it helps cut down emissions. It won’t solve the whole thing, of course. But it’s a super easy way to make a difference.

    But control freak bosses are all “Good news, everyone! You must return to working in the office. Because it is so much better. It makes me feel important, you see. If I don’t see your butts in chairs in front of monitors, I don’t think you’re actually doing anything.”

    Minor stuff like that makes me think that we’re really doomed here. Late stage capitalism won’t even do the easiest of easy things about climate change.

  • They think their individual rights and freedumbs mean laws don’t apply to them.

    Some of their grievances are true. The government is often guilty of overreach and trampling on individual rights (like Roe v Wade being overturned, declaring corporate money to be free speech, cops murdering people, cracking down on protests, etc).

    However, sovereign citizens think they can use “constitutional logic” to basically do whatever they want. They often find themselves sitting in a cell with Pikachu face, asking for a real lawyer’s help.

    Perhaps the most egregious (or successful, depending on your point of view) example would be constitutional sheriffs.


    In my opinion, they are basically domestic terrorists, or at least adjacent to that. The 3-letter federal agencies keep a close eye on these types of people.

  • Usenet is a decades-old distributed message sharing system. It’s like an old school message board. To access it, you need a newsreader. Mozilla Thunderbird is one such example.

    I have not accessed newsgroups in several years, so I don’t know how active it is today. But it used to be the go-to source for “warez” and bootleg media and porn. Oh yeah, and discussions threads on myriad topics. :)

    Slashdot, digg, Reddit, lemmy, 4chan, etc. are all spiritual descendents of usenet.

    The software tech for usenet is old, slow, and has a learning curve. You might find it frustrating to navigate and use. However, modern newsreaders probably hide some of the complexity.

  • Boozilla@lemmy.worldtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    5 months ago

    Be friendly but super boring. Fuzzy gray rock.

    As others have said, they just want to talk about themselves, humble brag, and make sure you’re not a “creep”. Best way is to let them get it out of their system…but bore them at the same time. More art than science, but with practice you’ll get it.


    Them: “Doing any fun vacations this year?”

    You: “Maybe the beach, not sure yet.”

    Them: blah blah blah brag brag brag.

    You: mmm-hmmmm

    The key is lack of detail. Don’t give them anything solid to grab onto, e.g. “beach” not “Disney World”.