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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • So you answered my questions, but at the same time you didn’t.

    Congrats on losing 80 lbs! That’s a massive job well done. Are you still overweight?
    If so, keep at it! Every pound lost makes you look better, feel better, live longer and healthier.

    Facial hair: Who said it looked good? Who said it looked bad?
    Did several people compliment it, but one or two tore your self image back down?
    If it really was bad: Try something new.

    I don’t know and won’t ask any personal questions, but are these deformities impossible to hide or improve upon?
    I do not mean surgery, but facial hair, hair, clothing or even make-up?

    It’s always your choice if you wish to give up or not, but as long as you seem to have a semblance of hope I’m gonna try to be a positive in your life.

  • It’s hard to say what you could do to improve your situation without knowing you, and your diagnoses cannot be «fixed».
    Being hit with the ugly stick however is something you can work on.
    Do you excersize and stay in decent shape?
    Do you groom regularly?
    Do you pay attention to what you wear (no need to blow loads on fashion, but in general)?

    All of those combined could bring you up a point or two, but your main issue is probably your lack of confidence, which is very understandable.

    Confidence in who you are and you being awesome is, in my experience, everything.
    You can fake it, but to truly build it you need to come to terms with the facts and love yourself.

  • This made me surprisingly sad to read and I hope you will find people who are not like this in your future.

    I don’t think I have anyone like that in my life. Not because they don’t exist, but because I choose who I wish to spend my time with.

    I firmly believe we should all strive to be the change we wish to see in this world, and I also believe it rubs of on others. Don’t be a afraid to cut cancer out of your life my friend. It hurts while you cut, but it’s better for you in the long run.