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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • I understand your “what if” scenarios, but this is an existential crisis that needs to be resisted against with all instances working in concert. This is not a “what if” scenario. This is the actual iceberg and it is big enough to ruin the fediverse for all instances, no matter their affiliation with the garden.

    So, we either unite to defend the independence of the fediverse, or we let a corporate giant take it by ovewhelming us with their “important updates for your security” until we are all assimilated.

  • Good comment.

    I’d like to add an important point about your use of the word “liberal” for those who may not know… The word “liberal” in this context refers to economic liberalism.

    The word “liberal” in this use is absolutely not interchangeable with the word “progressive”. These two words mean very different things. Conservatives have worked hard to cause these words to be confused with one another.

    In 1980, Reagan’s conservatives re-defined the word “liberal” in conservative media to be a pejorative for “progressive”. This was an attempt to confuse public discussion. Before this, the word “liberal” was used to describe economic policy. Now, conservatives (and many progressives who don’t know any better) use the word “liberal” interchangeably with “progressive”.

    Re-defining words is a common tactic used by conservatives (and fascists) to influence and confuse public perceptions.

  • I won’t downvote you at all. You make good points.

    However, I am not conflating conservatism with capitalism. The reason capitalism remains unchecked is because of conservatism (including neoliberalism). Conservatism is the tool of capitalism to remain unchecked.

    If we were to eliminate or marginalize conservatism (including neoliberalism), capitalism could be well-regulated by the representatives of the normal people rather than the representatives of the corporations.

    When I shit on conservatives, I’m shitting on so much more than their corporate knob-gobbling. I am also shitting on their racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, antisemitism and other conservative traits. Conservatism is just fascism that has not yet matured to its final form.

    As for Biden, I much prefer this old neoliberal to any GOP conservative, and I despise neoliberalism. He gets a pass this time around. I admit he did way better than I expected his first term. And obviously the alternative next election is pure fascism, sooo… BIDEN 2024!

  • Fascism is also the natural result of unchecked progressivism.

    Can you give an example? You cited 1940’s Russia, but Soviet Marxist-Leninism was not progressivism. It was also not leftism, despite decades of conservative deception on this topic.

    Marxist–Leninists in the Soviet Union were famously opposed to “left communism” and social democracy. They openly opposed liberal democracy. They also supported an authoritarian style of government, which is definitionally opposite of progressivism.

    Here’s a link to a wikipedia page on the ideological foundation of the Soviet Union (Marxist-Leninism) to support my position that their government was neither “left” nor “progressive”. The points in my paragraph above are stated almost verbatim in this wikipedia entry.

    To use the Soviet Union as an example of a left or progressive government, you would first need to change the definitions of “left” or “progressive”.