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Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Did you read past the post title before firing up your meme folder to participate?

    In earlier correspondence with The Telegraph, Dr Peter Daszak, the British zoologist and president of EcoHealth Alliance, said that its work >with WIV did not fall under restricted gain-of-function research.

    “None of the work changed animal viruses so they can infect humans – they only infected human cell cultures and that’s a big difference,” >said Dr Daszak.

    He also said the experiments were exempt because the original viruses were not infectious to humans.

    However, White House officials told The Telegraph the work did fall under gain-of-function rules and would have required review.

    Gerald Epstein, former assistant director for biosecurity and emerging technologies at the White House Office of Science and Technology >Police between 2016 and 2018, said: “I oversaw development of the US government’s enhanced potential pandemic pathogens (ePPP) >policy usually referred to as gain-of-function.

    “EcoHealth claimed that their work engineering bat coronaviruses could not have been ePPP research because the original viruses were >not pathogenic to humans. That is apparently their position, but it is clearly incorrect.”

    So Epstein (lol) a man who works with the US government is claiming that a lab he has never visited has violated the ePPP policy, while a >researcher WHO did work there and is NOT Chinese is stating that it didn’t.

    There is just as much evidence that the leak came from Fort Detrick however the “lab leak theory” for COVID is cope and not relevant to the average person especially since the world has decided the pandemic is over, to stop masking, testing, or providing immunizations.

  • So explain to me how Russia is dumb for successfully taking and holding, Crimea and the Donbass?

    Are they dumb for reacting to a line they have drawn multiple times? Are they dumb for preventing Ukranian nazis from bombarding anyone suspected of being Russian for years?

    Canada is now applauding Nazis while Russia burned them alive under Mariupol, are they dumb for doing that?

    Is any other country that has created a warzone for geopolitical reasons, “dumb”? I would say any country that is a warmonger is evil, thankfully the country that pays me to post is peaceful.

    In addition, they have successfully decoupled their economy from the west while the European industrial complex has weakened to the point they are now serfs to the Great Satan.

  • Lavrov brought up the accusations of mass executions in the Ukrainian city Bucha, largely considered to have been the result of war crimes by Russian forces, and said Russia had asked to receive a list of the last names of those shown in pictures throughout the world in an attempt to discredit the accusations.

    He called it “something quite simple” to be provided with, adding that there has been no proof provided that Russia has been involved.

    “All the children that ended up in Russia unaccompanied by guardians, that list is openly available, unlike the names of the bodies in Bucha,” Lavrov said, adding, “If those families are found, we will assist in reunification.”

    Lavrov claimed that “the vast majority” of children taken to Russia were living in orphanages, failing to address how that makes a difference in their being taken.

    “When the special military operation began, of course we took them to safety. But we never tried to conceal the names of these children, which we took out of the country,” Lavrov claimed.

    “We continue to invite these parents, if they are out there, to come and collect their children. You can come and travel to these children yourselves.”

    Dronies wanting children to die in a warzone rather than be moved to safety.

    Dronies cry about Bucha which has been debunked, yet are silent on the bombardment of the Donbass that is proven.

    Maybe if Ukraine didn’t use human wave tactics or accepted the peace deal after Bucha (Russia withdrew from Bucha as part of peace negotiations before the mass executions even took place, while there is multiple first hand source video evidence of Ukranian military shooting anyone they suspected of being Russian, a collaborator, or refusing to be conscripted) there wouldn’t be so many orphans left to die by NATO

  • Never once did I claim that the Russian economy would overtake the United states simply that the 2023 growth projections were higher for Russia than the United States. I will say you are correct regarding the size and cumulative natures of GDP growth, but add the caveat that this Russian economy growth is in spite of sanctions and removal from the SWIFT banking system.

    I’ll quote my original post:

    Russia is not on the verge of collapse, the IMF predicted that Russian GDP would rebound slightly in 2023 to 0.3 percent growth, and in 2024, the Russian economy is predicted to grow by 2.1 percent.

    That’s higher than the IMF’s projection for the United States, which it said would see only 1 percent GDP growth that year, and down from a predicted 1.4 percent in 2023, and the 2 percent the U.S. enjoyed in 2022.

    I’ll again ask for any support to your claim that Russia will collapse politically

    MOSCOW, April 21. /TASS/. The proportion of Russian citizens’ confidence in President Vladimir Putin amounted to over 80%, according to the All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center that published the results of a survey conducted between April 10 and 16 among 1,600 respondents aged over 18.

    “When asked about trust in Putin, 80.1% of respondents answered positively (+0.4% over the week), the approval rate of the Russian president’s work was up by 0.4% and stood at 77.5%,” the pollster noted.

    I acknowledge the bias with tass

    "Prigozhin has insisted that Putin wasn’t the target of his mutiny. Rather, he wanted to depose the leadership of the Russian defense ministry, with whom he’d been feuding. But Putin came out against Prigozhin’s armed march. And after a daylong revolt, Prigozhin backed down and agreed to go into exile in Belarus to avoid treason charges against him and his Wagner Group mercenary forces.

    Pomeranz noted that, aside from exiled or jailed opposition leaders, there are no serious figures openly styling themselves as alternatives to Putin in Russia right now."

    Putin’s ability to secure the support of regional governors and heads of states within the Russian Federation during the PMC Wagner rebellion highlighted his enduring influence in the political realms. This crisis served as a testament to the unity and support that Putin commands from key figures in Russia.

    In the broader post-Soviet context, Putin’s phone conversations with the presidents of Kazakhstan, Armenia, Belarus, Uzbekistan, and Turkey provided him with a clear understanding of who stood by his side during this tumultuous period.