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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2023


  • We basically are. The only good news is that young conservatives believe in and want to do something about climate change, so when the current crop of oil-funded deniers die off, we have some hope to limit the damage. That said, I’m seriously considering moving up north away north as far away from the equator as possible, and to an area with fresh water and farmland.

    Then buying a gun. Never thought I’d need one after I left the Army, but as things get worse, I suspect that more violence will result due to scarcity and more likely: stress related to perceived scarcity that doesn’t exist. It’s always the fear that’s more dangerous than the reality. We can probably get by with easy to grow, nutrient-dense foods that are boring to eat, like beans. It’s the stress of not being able to eat “tasty” food that’ll probably get people to snap. Gunfights over steak, etc.

  • Jesus has always been fairly liberal and borderline to actually socialist. He literally said rich people are more likely to go to hell because they cause problems for the poor by not helping them, and told someone rich that it’s not good enough to be a nice person, but to actually follow him, that he had to donate to charity.

    He also hated and actively fought with organized religion, and especially profit-driven organized religion. People say stuff like “What would Jesus do.” but he made himself a whip and used it to chase people out of a synagogue and flipped tables because they were trying to profit off of religion like they were an extortionate business.

    Hell, even the messianic prophets like Isaiah are very socialist. I would honestly say that parties like one of the Christian Socialist parties would better fit his stated ideologies than any conservative party. People have the wrong view about Jesus because Republicans and similar parties misrepresenting him, but he HATED people like the Republicans and Mega-churches.

    Jesus was all like, “Love you enemies and be kind to those who use you.” but then turned around and said stuff like, “You brood of vipers, you are sons of your father the devil, and how can you be saved from the fires of hell?!” to the leaders of the church at the time. Which shows you how much he hated and was angry at them, that he didn’t even try to reconcile with them, which is why they assassinated him later.

    Note than I’m not Christian (anymore) but I spent a long time as one and I learned a lot, and the biggest think I learned is that Republicans are not only not Christian, they actively misrepresent Christ and everything Christianity is about.

  • I doubt the title of this article very much. Ukraine is getting F-16’s and probably JAS-39 Gripens very soon. Offensives and counteroffensives have to be slow and methodical by nature against entrenched forces, otherwise you’ll take massive losses for very little gains.

    Ukraine is on its way to gaining air superiority, and more vehicles and air defense is coming into their forces every month, and the longer this conflict lasts, the more likely it is that they’ll gain more advantages over Russia as the sanctions keep draining them.

    The lack of air superiority is hampering what Ukraine can do, and once that issue’s settled, I think we’ll start seeing more steady progress. Plus in the wide world, Japans and South Korea are settling their differences over WW2 and will probably keep cooperating, and part of that will be to send more stuff to Ukraine in order to help win there so they don’t have to fight WW3 with China over Taiwan.

    It’s not just the West that supports Ukraine, it’s also the Democratic parts of Asia.

  • Before Trump, I would have agreed. But after all the shit he pulled, his support amongst minorities he actively persecuted actually INCREASED by 2020. If anything, seeing shit like this all the time from people like this just normalizes it and makes people desensitized to it.

    Stuff like this has to be rare and heavily condemned by a large amount of charismatic and popular people for it to be stopped and not become everyday business. I want less people like this and for them to be taken down faster.

    Plus, the more people behave like this openly with few or no consequences, and in the mainstream media no less, the more emboldened people like him become and the more overt they become with their actions. For example: hate groups like the Proud Boys and 3 percenters used to be too scared to be as blatant and public as they are now, but now White Supremacy is loud and proud.

  • Equal distribution of wealth and power, along with trying to create universal standards of communication (I.E. speaking reading and writing) would help probably.

    Plus universal access to education and birth control. And ENFORCING equality by making sure there is no such thing as inherited wealth. Each new generation would have to start form the same point. I know it might seem a little extreme, but I think it’s the only way to prevent oligarchies, monarchies, and huge concentrations of power that distort society from forming.

    Plus, guaranteed clean food, water, housing, and basic healthcare for all. Get rid of the reasons for conflict, and make sure those who want to start conflicts can’t ever mass enough power to start wars and we won’t have them. A lot harder to justify fighting when you personally have to do it all yourself because you can’t order others to just do it for you.

  • TLDR: He doesn’t forgive anyone who sins, he forgives those who repent. Repent not meaning “feeling sorry” as many seem to explain, but actually meaning “to turn away” which means changing fundamentally as a human being. From a bad person to a good person.

    Someone who doesn’t change and act good most of the time isn’t repentant, so isn’t forgiven. So basically, you prove it with your actions and how you live your life, not with just words only. By this measurement, Republican “Christians” aren’t repentant and so aren’t forgiven.

    Not a Christian anymore, but I used to be for a very long time. Sidebar: “You will know a tree by it’s fruit” AKA you’ll know what kind of person someone is by what they do. Anyone who’s even skimmed the bible (especially the new testament) would easily understand that most conservative “christians” aren’t Christian at all, but rather like the Pharisees (phony religious types) that Jesus constantly argued with and condemned.

    Other note: Sikhs actually live the way Christian claim to. I could easily make a “hard to swallow pill” meme which said: “Sikhs are better Christians than actual Christians are.”