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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I can’t offer a specific recommendation, other than to get a used laptop instead of new. Since price is an issue for you, buying used will help a lot.

    Late last year, I bought a low spec Dell XPS 13 from 2019 for $300 USD from a local used electronics shop. New, this laptop would have been about $1,000. The battery isn’t great, but I can get a replacement from iFixit for $100 if I feel like it. The screen is excellent. The CPU is… fine for my use case. RAM is subpar (8 gigs) and soldered (gross), but on Linux it hasn’t a problem. I upgraded the NVMe SSD from 256 gig to 1 Tb for $60.

    eBay likely has a lot of decent options for used laptops. You can look for enterprise grade hardware too. Enterprise grade stuff tends to have replacement part support more than consumer grade stuff.

    Good luck!

    Edit: You can also look at factory refurbished stuff too! Just check frequently since availability changes rapidly.

  • I agree. I’ve also gotten shafted by used cars (7th generation Honda Civics are all utter pieces of garbage). I don’t take depreciation into account on a new car because I plan on driving it until it’s uneconomical to repair, which means it’ll be worthless when I sell it regardless.

    My parents have only purchased one used car, and it was a nearly new car from someone they knew and trusted. The other 4 cars they’ve bought in the past 40 years have been new. They keep them until they’re old and basically worthless.