• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Im not sure it really has to be a whole conspiracy; companies won’t pay someone a lot just because people think that that person ought to be paid a lot, they’ll pay someone as little as they can while still getting the people they need to fill the role. Having more people with a given degree can even drive the wage down for that position by itself if the number is above the number of available jobs in that field, so having people value those degrees less and become less likely to get them would ultimately serve to make them rarer and therefore drive required wages up. I think a simpler explanation for people being dismissive of college degrees is a combination of them being more common, and that those without one have a desire to not feel like someone that does have one is smarter than them in some way, and an easy way to avoid such feelings is to convince oneself that the degree is meaningless.

  • Sure, Isreal does technically have the capability to completely destroy Palestine in one quick operation, for instance, it could just use some of its almost certain to exist nuclear weapons on the relatively small area of Gaza. However, consider for a moment what the actual consequences of that or a similarly destructive action would be: Isreal may be powerful in its region, but it is not a global superpower after all. It receives considerable support from other countries, particularly the US and much of the EU, and losing that support, or even worse, managing to actually draw their anger, would put them in a dangerously vulnerable position with a fairly small population and land area and enemies on all sides. As it stands, their current actions have made supporting them somewhat divisive and politically charged in the west, but havent broadly lost them support, but doing something that blatantly indefensible might just be enough to do that. Further, the current Isreali government from my understanding doesnt have a perfect grip on popular support and power, and doing something that heinous might risk losing them domestic support as well.

  • Honestly I think we should recognize it. The place has been de-facto independent for decades now and effectively operates as its own state. It has a historical basis for its existence (not to say this is required to create in an independent state, but it helps explain why the people in the region might want one) and has its own military force such that reuniting it with the rest of Somalia would require another war over the matter. Given this, what is the point of making life harder for the people that live there by subjecting upon them the difficulties that come with living in an unrecognized state?

  • So far as I understand, brown isn’t really a proper wavelength of light on the spectrum (there are a number of colors like that actually), rather, it’s a dark orange. So if you made a brown colored translucent filter and shone a light through it, you’ll actually get orange light, just presumably less of that light making it through than from a more saturated orange. It’s sorta like saying you can get black light by putting a black filter over a light projector: you’ll get black at the projection area I suppose if no other illumination is there, but there would be no black light, you’d just get that color by blocking the light entirely.

  • Given that things like tone that are normally used to show sarcasm dont show through text, the only way if one doesnt explicitly state something to be sarcasm to tell if something written is sarcastic is if the statement seems so absurd or obviously wrong that nobody could seriously believe it. However, people have a seemingly limitless capacity to believe things that are factually untrue, and what is and is not absurd is to some extent in the eye of the beholder, so ultimately, one should not be surprised if one’s written sarcasm is taken seriously, if you dont include some kind of signifier to replace the cues normally given in speech.