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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023

  • jesus, I was hoping for some well thought-out brilliantly hidden metaphor that would help illuminate others understanding of something. This story is just pure bull-shit like an elon musk fanboy literature night.

    • The villagers don’t know or can’t see the smoke from the fire but must “trust the king” (not how wildfires work, you’ve made a boogeyman).

    • No one but the kings soldiers are “solving” the problem? Bullshit, it would take the entire kingdom of support to save it.

    • A few villagers will die from the fire the kingdom sets, but it’s necessary for the greater good. WTF kinda dystopian bullshit is this? There’s no way to inform your citizens of the impending doom?!?

    • “he’d be damned if he was gonna sit on his throne and watch the fire swallow up his whole kingdom”. Maybe that’s the problem with your entire story. Person is ruling from the throne and not trusted or respected by his community enough to care about a problem they’re being presented. The people wouldn’t trust his actions because there will be no compensation or reflection for his decisions that effect their life, “well it was for the greater good, so be happy peasant”.

  • This is my first “recovered” day from having Covid for the first time as well. We luckily had tests left over from when the government gave out free ones so I could confirm what I had. My partner had it first and we thought it was just a mild cold, they work in another county and everyone there is sick as well. Then our family member who works in a different county also got sick from a co-worker. No one is wearing masks, isolating, taking any type of precaution (I did since I was the last one to get sick and didn’t want to spread it further) so it’s just sweeping through everywhere.

    My head and body still feel fucked up but the congestion and fever have gone away. Was nice for the Lemmy-time the past week or so but glad to be able to leave the house again and will be more cautious about it all now (it’s summer and it’s only going to get worse come winter).

  • Thought about the car music problem today as well. I’ve tried a lot of the streaming services for music but they all suck and tie you into their shitty playlist/UI system. I imagined a better world where the cd’s-mp3 compatibility continued to the point where you just have a thumb drive you can install new music with on your car stereo with it’s dedicated storage built in. Now it’s all about just slapping your phone cord in but even the phone seems to be less favorable as a media storage & player in favor of the cloud method.

    I just want to have the songs and playlists from the past. If I still had all of my data and could still currently use old playlists I would be thrilled, just think of having decades worth of custom built musical experiences you could relive and expand on.