• 1 Post
Joined 11 个月前
Cake day: 2023年8月21日


  • CileTheSane@lemmy.catoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlLemmy today
    1 个月前

    Yes, my comment wasn’t about online casinos but about the people who think they have a right to tell others how to live their lives.

    Who’s “they the people”? I don’t know much about the gambling industry the internet but if it’s anything like any other industry place then it’s not a centralized monolith but many independent business people.

  • straw manning

    Fallacy fallacy dude. “Strawman” is not some magic word that makes criticisms of your argument disappear. The point of recognizing fallacies is that it makes them easy to rebut, not that if you say the right magic phrase your critics disappear.

    In the case of a supposed Strawman fallacy it’s not enough to say “Strawman” and plug your ears. If you believe your argument is being misrepresented you restate what your actual argument is. So far you haven’t presented any argument for “all politicians have definitely done crimes” other than your assumptions that it is true. Me pointing out your Begging the Point and Appeal to Popularity is not a Strawman.

  • And once again, if the justice system starts looking into other politicians, they will also find sufficient evidence for potential crime because Trump is not an outlier.

    And once again we come to the topic of evidence. There is evidence of Trump committing crimes, hence the trials. There is not evidence for other politicians other than “because you say so” which is an even weaker fallacy than an Appeal to Popularity. I will not entertain your vague claims with nothing to back to them up.

    Believing this requires thinking that Trump is somehow uniquely criminal.

    The entire criminal system is based on the idea that people can be “uniquely criminal”. Otherwise everyone would be in jail or there wouldn’t be crimes.

    If you think that investigations into Trump were started for anything other than political reasons then you’re an incredibly naive individual.

    The investigations into Trump stated with “we are investigating this specific crime” and the charges that came from it were related to the specific crime being investigated. They didn’t start investigating Trump in general to see what crimes fell out.

    Does Trump have specific crimes he wants to investigate people for?

  • The fact that you think your previous post has any value speaks volumes of the low quality of the rest of your posts.

    Either Trump is an aberration, and he’s being investigated because he’s uniquely guilty,

    And we’re making progress! We’ve acknowledged at least the possibility that Trump is more guilty than everyone else! Nothing in your post dismisses this possibility but you seem to forget it exists in the very next sentence.

    So let’s not get distracted here, try to focus just a little bit longer: if Trump is a “uniquely guilty aberration” that would mean…
    a) the investigation into him was completely valid.
    b) his investigation into other people would be invalid and just done for revenge. Or
    c) all of the above?