Hi, I’m Cleo! (he/they) I talk mostly about games and politics. My DMs are always open to chat! :)

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023

  • The issue isn’t material choice. It’s that plastic can’t be replaced by most materials because of the current function of our containers.

    Let me pitch it like this: go to the grocery store. It’s all plastic. The meat? Plastic container. Milk is in plastic. Water in plastic. They’ll even put your potatoes in a pre-packaged plastic sack.

    So the issue is that plastic has made its entire niche and therefore is irreplaceable in that niche. Whereas if we would swap over to reusable milk containers and dispensers or refillable chip bags, we’d be miles ahead even if those were all made of plastic still.

    The problem isn’t containers, it’s the existence of disposable packing being the only option.

  • I have crohns and it resulted in the loss of my entire colon. Every time someone talks to me about the disease, they have no respect for it because they don’t know what it is.

    I was saved by modern medicine and am currently saved by it. And the advances that saved me are many. Those drugs you mentioned, surgical advances, dieting, all of it. If it weren’t for those, I would have died of organ failure my sophomore year of college.

    So to your point, why would they not have spotted it or noticed? Well, I think that severe cases of crohns and UC used to just kill you. But nowadays the diseases are mostly studied under the same umbrella. Crohns and UC present different, but any inflammatory autoimmune disease is similar and could have similar causes. There’s also more info that we’re getting about the brain and gut relationship. So if I had to guess based on current info I’ve found on the diseases, it’s a diet problem.

    I expect huge leaps to be made on autoimmune stuff, it could even be solvable through CRISPR.

  • Both this comment and the reply to it are irrelevant. Bombs aren’t spread over average areas, bombs aren’t all the same power of explosive, nor can any math tell us much about the effect of the bombs.

    All of that can only be done by looking at satellite or overhead footage, assessing the average damage to buildings in that area, and then generalizing each square to write off a percentage of homes as unlivable.

    Like other comments have said, we have to be careful about this because I’d prefer the correct number and not the larger number.

  • I don’t think most people are stupid if stupid means lacking reasoning skills or knowledge or curiosity. You can find all sorts of people who you’d think sound stupid but know tons about one subject. But even if they don’t, they likely have a working knowledge base and only know what they need to know.

    What I consider stupid or problematic is that most people, probably 75% or more of the overall population, are not skeptical or analytical and have a fundamentally busted epistemology. Even if your information filter works, if you don’t understand why it works, I’m going to struggle in conversation with you. So yes I think the general population has a hard time thinking critically because they don’t know how to analyze their own beliefs or knowledge.

  • Yeah we typically thing age discrimination is saying we only hire people between 20-40y/o but it would also cover it if you said “I won’t hire someone 21 years old only” and still applies to banning someone 21.5 years old. And 21 years and 6 months and 27 days old.

    Same applies if I ban anyone with an age divisible by 3. It’s a group of people, but if their age has anything to do with why you aren’t hiring them then I’d say this applies.