I write bugs and sometimes features! I’m also @CoderKat@kbin.social.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Persona is definitely one of those games that really hits you when it’s over. In part I think it’s cause it’s just so damn long. You spend a long time getting attached to characters and it being your daily activity. But also, the format of the games is just very relatable. Sure, it’s got fantasy elements, but the school and calendar format grounds the game into something more relatable. The game’s story is heavily focused on building up friendships.

    Plus that fantasy element plays a part. It’s what makes the game world something unachievable for the real you. You’ll never have the grand, world-saving adventures of the video game. You could make some friends and such, but you’ll never bond over saving the world or catching a killer or the likes. The end of games like Persona tend to make me think a lot about that.

    I’ve seen this called “post Harry Potter syndrome” or “post anime syndrome” before. It’s very common for a variety of works, but I think the recurring theme is usually that you invest a lot of time into a character driven work where building friendships and some kind of adventure is the key element.

  • Honestly, I found it hard to enjoy too, even though I finished the game. The game can be really fun, but it can also get a bit annoying to realize that you have missed something on a planet and if you did, it might take a boring amount of time to find what. The problem is that the save limitations means you basically have to waste a ton of time whenever you were wrong about something or mess up. The ship computer can hint at when a planet has more to see, but it’s not necessarily easy to figure out where to go, how to reach it, or if you’re supposed to do a different planet first to get a hint.

    Fuck Brittle Hollow. I almost quit the game with how much time that stupid planet wasted. A quick save/load function would have made the game massively more fun for me. Replaying stuff I’ve already done because the game has bleh checkpointing is just not fun.

  • Personally, I enjoy the problem solving. Debugging is fun once you’re good at it (and when there isn’t major time pressures).

    Professional software dev is also waaaaay more than just coding, too. And the more you do it, the less coding you’ll do. A junior dev might spend most of their time coding, but senior devs are spending a lot of time doing high level design, helping the juniors, and reviewing various kinds of things.

  • Jeez, where do you live?

    I’m in Canada and have never had to wait even remotely that long in any city I’ve been a pedestrian in. It’s certainly a poorly followed law in that I’ll regularly see people not stop even if they had tons of time, but the majority of drivers do stop. I don’t think I’ve ever waited more than maybe a minute. I’d usually have to wait longer at a light than I would at an uncontrolled intersection or no-intersection crosswalk.

    That said, the most annoying was in Saskatoon, where I went to university. There’s a road going up to the university where there’s a very long stretch with no controlled crosswalks until you get to the very end. I learned to just cross at the end (even if it meant needing to loop back) because crossing at an uncontrolled crosswalk in the middle was annoying. I would have often been on the top part of a T intersection and there were always parked cars, so being seen as trying to cross the road was the challenge there. But even then it usually wasn’t more than a minute and crossing from the other side was a lot easier because it was so much more obvious that you were waiting to cross. It was also a 2 lane road, but usually when one direction stops, drivers in the other lane figure it out.

  • High speed is a big thing. And actually high speed, at that. A massive number of trains are very slow and even a number of “high speed” trains are not even remotely as high speed as they could be, with proper investment. It’s hard to replace planes when we’re talking at least twice the travel time.

    I’d love to have more train options in Canada. There is a train that spans the width of Canada, but it is so slow and deprioritized that it’s not actually a viable means of transit across Canada. You can fly Toronto to Vancouver in a little over 4 hours. So maybe 6 hours with the airport overhead. By train, it’s 4 days. That’s something you’d only do for the experience and it’d be a significant part of the trip (one person I know who did it said that they wish they utilized more stops along the way, because by the end of the trip, they were getting pretty sick of it – despite the fact that they recommended it glowingly). With a high speed rail, that could become less than 1 day trip, making it a lot more feasible (a lot of people already view the day they fly as a day spent only on travel).

    And that’s an extreme. Getting around southern Ontario is far more common and practical (it’s an extremely population dense area). But the trains we have for that are very low speed and have mediocre schedules (sometimes only good for commuting). Even though a train is an option, I often find that the bus is actually the fastest way to get to my destination, cause the train is so infrequent and really not fast.