Why should the left work with liberals, who propped up the genocide and refused to work with the Left?
Actually, this town has more than enough room for the two of us
He/him or they/them, doesn’t matter too much
Marxist-Leninist ☭
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Why should the left work with liberals, who propped up the genocide and refused to work with the Left?
Voting for Harris or for Trump was a vote for ethnic cleansing. You don’t get to stand on a high-horse and pretend you didn’t vote for the same administration that helped accelerate the ongoing genocide of Palestinians, that was your choice. It isn’t “super hardline” to oppose genocide, especially not if it is the only way to stop the genocide (outside of Revolution, which is necessary regardless).
Pretending that Leftists voted for Trump, rather than Stein or Claudia De La Crúz, is just blinding yourself to reality. Harris was never owed votes, she has always stood against the Working Class. Trump is awful, and so is Biden, and so would Harris be.
When you have to intentionally distort reality to prove a point, like pretending third party voters and non-voters actually were Trump voters, you epitomize Blue MAGA.
Peaceful protests only work if they carry the threat of turning violent. They need massive amounts of people desparate for change, and pressure from non-peaceful groups serving to risk turning the whole movement into a revolution.
The problem isn’t centralization, but the concept of a “generalist” instance. Instances should be more focused in concept and scope, and usable locally without feeling the need to scroll all.
Yea, not the first time the US doing something stupid blew back in its face.
Really wholesome to see USians and Chinese citizens interact. Sadly, this means the US will step in any minute to move forward with stopping this.
Just Red Scare shenanigans. They think the CPC will send sleeper agents to their house for watching random cat clips
So far the interactions between the Chinese users and influx of Americans is super cute, Americans are trying to learn a bit of Mandarin and Chinese users are asking for help with English homework and saying that they are the Chinese spies, lol
Everyone moving to The Little Red Book (or “RedNote”) is creating some very funny interactions, lmao. Super cute honestly
The US has always had propaganda and book burning, it’s just really good at projection. Hell, even D&D was attacked for being “satanic.”
The problem is that centralization is a natural process, you are asking to reset the clock every once in a while forever instead of moving on. Central planning doesn’t mean unaccountability or no democracy.
There’s a difference between having officials and “daddies” that make up a “ruling class.” Marxism has always understood the necessity for administrators and managers, though these too aren’t a “class.” I think you’re using class as any category, but classes are tied to ownership relations to the Means of Production. Officials and managers don’t necessarily own the Means of Production to any greater or lesser degree than a worker.
Which part is the “hot take?” How does Marxism not address the complexity of modern power structures?
Cuba is in a rough patch right now, but it isn’t about to collapse, and the ruling class is the working people.
As for the PRC, they have a Dictatorship of the Proletariat, and have been working through Socialism. I think you have a different idea of what a class is, I am working off of the Marxist definitions and things like “oligarch class” aren’t a thing, same with “manager class.”
Classless society only existed in tribal society, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get to a fully collectivized global economy and eliminate classes.
That wasn’t a “fun” fact at all, comrade… but thank you for sharing. It’s important.
See, Anarchists can’t get rid of classes with a commune focused system, unless they only interact within the commune and do no trade elsewhere. Otherwise, they are all Petite Bourgeoisie, interested in the success of their Commune by their shared stake in only their commune. To extend collectivization and end classes requires a government and administration, which is more Marxist.
Your understanding of Classes is a bit off, I’m a Marxist and you’re using a presumably entirely different definition of “class” if that’s your understanding. Same with the state, if you don’t get rid of classes you retain statist elements.
See where we end up? The Political Compass is entitely useless for any actual understanding of what someone believes, it reinforces liberal notions of ideology. I’m not even trying to debate the validity of Anarchism here, but how to categorize it. I used to be an Anarchist so I’m more sympathetic to y’all than many other Marxists.
I will say, I do think your understanding of Marxism is lacking, so if you want to call it “auth” or if you legitimately think Marxism doesn’t unite means and ends (spoiler: it does), then I recommend reading more Marxist theory. I will shamelessly plug my intro reading list, feel free to give it a look.
You pulled a lever Leftists correctly told you wasn’t going to work. Your head is in the sand, more than anything, regularly trying to vote for the lesser evil is the reason why we are in this mess to begin with. You can organize like Leftists have been telling you, and that’s the only way to actually do anything. Voting is less than the bare minimum to get any change.