Eternal shitposter who probably has something more important he should be doing.

Likes: Nice headphones, iPods, Apple stuff, music.

Dislikes: Nazis, Apple

He / Him


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 3rd, 2023


  • In theory, Super Mario Bros. on the NES, because that’s the first game I really played by myself. But I’m not sure it really is, because at that time video games were just a thing you did, like watching TV. So I never considered myself a gamer as such, just someone who would casually drop in on games here and there. I was never involved in them, I’d just play for a bit, then go and do something else.

    Fast forward to a few years ago, and my wife (who plays a lot of games) suggested I play To The Moon, and that got me hooked. A video game that made me cry - amazing.

    Since then I’ve played more games, looking for ones with a great story. Played RDR2 last year, and nothing has come close to it since.

  • I guess this makes sense to some extent.

    I mean, kids learn from copying their parents, so parents who distract their kids with an old iPad are less likely to spend as much time interacting with them. That’s no shade towards any parents, btw. I myself am a parent of a kid who had access to my phone from an early age to keep him quiet while I tried to get shit done. He had troubles with socialising at school, and ended up being kicked out of a couple. It’s entirely possible he has ADHD (as I do), but he’s 19 now, at university, far less likely to be spending his time looking at his phone, and is absolutely thriving.

    So I guess I fucked him up for quite a bit there…