Just an Aussie tech guy - home automation, ESP gadgets, networking. Also love my camping and 4WDing.

Be a good motherfucker. Peace.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Am also a boring, (getting) old white bloke: is something like “rainbow folk” not appropriate?

    I know the Wear It Purple day organisers refer to kids who are questioning/curious as “rainbow kids” (at least, that’s what a trans coworker told me they called them).

    Edit: honestly, it’d just be nice if we didn’t have to label people at all. Y’know - everyone’s a human deserving of dignity and respect, no matter where they come from, how they look, what they believe in, and who they love.

    But, again, I get that I’m a boring old white bloke, and it’s probably a lot easier for me to say this than it is for those folks who feel oppressed/suppressed in some way. I just wish it weren’t the case.

  • This is a tough one, that takes practice and mental discipline.

    You’ve already acknowledged that you can’t change how things ended with this individual. Right now, you’re in a very natural place for humans to be: you’re feeling powerless, like someone has done something to you, and you want to blame that other person for how you’re feeling.

    The bit that takes practice and discipline is that you CAN change how you choose to react to things like this. You can take accountability for your reactions and emotions.

    Why is this irritating you so much? What is it about the exchange that annoyed you, and makes you wish you could reply? If you had the chance to reply, would you want to do the same thing - reply and block - or continue arguing? To what end? What outcome is it that you want?

    Accepting reality starts with acknowledging there are things you can’t change. You’ve already said that, so you know this is the right path to continue going down.

    The bit you need to try and take accountability for is understanding why you’re feeling the way you are. This isn’t about the person “robbing you” of the chance to reply. It’s about why you feel so strongly that you need to reply.

    Until you know why this pissed you off so much, you can’t take meaningful steps to getting yourself into a better emotional state.

    Edit: I feel bad that your OP is getting downvoted. You’ve asked a legitimate question about mental health, and some people are clearly writing you off as you having a whinge.

  • I work in data centres, so fuck all windows or outside time during the week. Even on days I get to work from home, I’m chained to the computer.

    Evenings are gaming or watching TV with my wife. Weekends are projects on my house, yard or car, if the weather lets me. Otherwise, I’m tinkering with tools, electronics, and/or home automation.

    Longer bouts of time off are spent 4WDing and camping or caravanning. I go away 4WDing with mates at least annually, but we also have an off-road caravan, so I like to take my wife and daughter to new places.

    About to head off for four nights off-roading in one of my favourite parts of the state I Iive in: the Victorian High Country. Later this year, we’re taking a three week trip to Uluru and back. Proper Aussie Outback trip.

  • Not a shill or anything, but isn’t Prime Video thrown in for free? Here in Australia, we pay for Prime to get free next day shipping, and Prime Video is a free inclusion.

    Although I guess, now, it’s kinda all advertised as a group of services for the subscription fees, so I’m probably answering my own question here.

    I’ll go have another coffee and wake up properly…

    Edit: just checked - Prime Video is definitely listed as a membership benefit along with the shipping, so they’re absolutely moving the goal posts mid-game, especially for annual subscribers. Dick move, Amazon.