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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023

  • Its worth mentioning that certain mainstream interpretations are also concretely deterministic. For example many worlds is actually a deterministic interpretation, the multiverse is deterministic, your particular branch simply appears probabilistic. Much more deterministic is Bohmian mechanics. Copenhagen interpretation, however, maintains randomness.

  • Its not that odd if you think about it. Everything else in this universe is deterministic. Well, quantum mechanics, as we observe it, is probabilistic, but still governed by rules and calculable, thus predictable (I also believe it is, in some sense, deterministic). For there to be free will, we need some form of “special sauce”, yet to be uncovered, that would grant us the freedom and agency to act outside of these laws.

  • Seth Anil has interesting lectures on consciousness, specifically on the predictive processing theory. Under this view the brain essentially simulates reality as a sort of prediction, this simulated model is what we, subjectively, then perceive as consciousness.

    “Every good regulator of a system must be a model of that system“. In other words consciousness might exist because to regulate our bodies and execute different actions we must have an internal model of ourselves as well as ourselves in the world.

    As for determinism - the idea of libertarian free will is not really seriously entertained by philosophy these days. The main question is if there is any inkling of free will to cling to (compatibilism), but, generally, it is more likely than not that our consciousness is deterministic.

  • Physics and more to the point, QM, appears probabilistic but wether or not it is deterministic is still up for debate. Until such a time that we develop a full understanding of QM we can not say for sure. Personally I am inclined to think we will find deterministic explanations in QM, it feels like nonsense to say that things could have happened differently. Things happen the way they happen and if you would rewind time before an event, it should resolve the same way.

  • Yes, the D data is incomplete and mostly done in sunny climates, the reference range for vitamin D in blood is also based in iirc Spain or that climate, so it might be that slightly defficient in colder climates is a-ok. Plus it is hard to separate bogus claims when it comes to D, since people want to implicate it in everything from immune compromise to why your nanas cookies don’t taste too good.

    That said, 5 minutes out in direct sun is probably a fair recommendation because most people will likely spend more than 5 minutes out if they have made it there. I think the recommendation is more about the climate / weather conditions rather than “take off your clothes for 5 mins in the winter”. If you have to go out more covered (i.e. long sleeves, pants) for the majority of a month, you will want to supplement. If you are unsure can always check serum levels.

    Personally I take more than 1k IU, but I will stick to official recommendations when giving advice.

  • Yes, most people who live in a western country and don’t take major shortcuts when it comes to their diet don’t need to supplement much. Taking vitamins can in fact lead to serious complications, given that there is no benefit for the vast majority, there is no reason to take on that risk for “prophylaxis”.

    Notable exceptions is Vitamin D - this is produced by your skin in the sun. 5 direct sunlight minutes in a T-shirt daily is enough, so supplementing 1k IU daily in months when you can not do that is advisable. So necessity will depend on climate.

  • The point is you offer someone who registered for mail in to simply sell you their ballot along with a signed envelope. I would vager doing this for a few votes would be fairly easy. Certainly plenty of poor voters would easily sell a vote. Idk about 10, but for 20-50 bucks? For sure. I would imagine someone selling a vote would be less likely to come forward in some respect too, so if you target the right people, at some minor scale you would even get away with it no problem.

    Yes this is obviously not happening, not at scale anyway, and certainly not enough to flip the election. But the idea that this is particularly hard in itself, let alone impossible, is absurd.

  • I fail to see why it would not work though? Instead of paying 10$ for an empty ballot from a registered voter you pay 10$ for an empty ballot from a registered voter and and their signed envelope?

    Like I am not saying this happened, because 10$ ballot sales would probably have made the news around the election, I doubt 10$ buys silence. But like I fail to see how this is impossible?