Cyrus Draegur

Atomic energy enthusiast. Architecture enjoyer. Mecha appreciator. Sci-Fi reader. Friendly neighborhood shameless degenerate. Winged caniform synthetic biped techno-lich. Mostly Harmless™. Poly-Panro-Demi It/They/He

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • experiment proposal:

    a population of crows in a shared space.

    one crow is selected and brought to another area where the rest cannot see or hear what happens.

    In the other area, the crow is placed into a box where a distinctive sound plays, and then a spurt of cold water sprays. Alternatively, something that is not injurious, but annoying and unpleasant.

    The crow is then removed from the box and marked non-invasively somehow, such as with nontoxic washable dye.

    The crow is finally put back into the same space with the other crows.

    Another crow is then selected from the population, ensuring that it is not one that has been marked, and the process is repeated.

    IS THERE a point at which the crows begin to respond pre-emptively to the distinctive sound that foreshadows the unpleasant stimulus?

    If so, how long does this change of behavior take to manifest in individuals who did not directly experience the unpleasant stimulus?

    The goal is to see if a crow will TELL the others about its experiences and what to expect, which requires the ability to communicate abstract and hypothetical information.

    i would expect that if we performed this experiment on cats and dogs, etc, we would never actually see individuals from the general population learning to anticipate what’s coming via abstract communication from their peers… but I do expect that such information WOULD eventually be taught to the entire community.

    has such an experiment already been performed?

  • the even more disturbing trend of late is that

    1. nobody made any decisions
    2. nobody did any specific work
    3. nobody was available to do the work

    because an AI generated the entire content on the basis of an off-hand suggestion plugged in by a Search API directly reading some user’s query and shitting out a vapid, insipid extrapolation of that query in the rough shape of an article on-the-spot and brute force slamming SEO algorithms with keywords so it’s the first ten items you see when the search concludes.

  • I’ve been having an excellent experience with premium as well. I like knowing that I’m directly materially contributing to the people I watch. The only problem I have with YouTube premium lately is that it keeps trying to suggest fucking 8 hours long music streams to my TV and seems as though it’s REFUSING to learn that I don’t want to see that shit unless I’m deliberately searching for it. Get that shit the FUCK outta my feed. Otherwise, it’s the way YouTube was meant to be used.

    If I had my way though, I’d nuke YouTube’s ad system from orbit and replace it with this: for ads, NO VIDEO, NO SOUND, ONLY A SLIDE SHOW, CONTAINING ONLY TEXT. 15 Slides or 15 Seconds, MAXIMUM, whichever runs out first. If the user clicks anywhere but the product link, it advances the slide or closes the ad. PERIOD.

  • my mechanic friend is telling me that if you want to fuck that truck to death right where it sits, like, absolutely total it and destroy its internals completely, all you have to do is shove a potato in its tailpipe. like, really deep in so you can’t see it from the outside. it will burst all its valves and destroy the engine :D

    of course you have to have a big enough potato that cramming it into the pipe will form a seal by shearing the sides flush to the interior of said pipe, and to create enough friction that the pressures produced by the engine will be unable to push it clear (or shoot it out like a pneumatic cannon).