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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Because if everyone involved is quitting their jobs, they’ll have no money with which to buy food. Which means they’ll have to farm it themselves. And farming, even with top-of-the-line modern tech, is backbreaking fucking work. Also unpredictable as hell: bad harvests aren’t uncommon, especially for novice farmers with no formal training like these guys would be.

    In other words, one bad harvest, and everyone in the system you’re proposing fucking dies. Yeah, there’s a reason in the 1800s people were abandoning their family farms for the horrorshow of Victorian era-factories en masse: because even that hell was still preferable to farming.

  • Yes, because in 2015 gay marriage was legalized.

    I guarantee these people were absolutely as shitty about LGBTQ+ issues before 2015, they just talked about them less frequenly around you since they didn’t have to think about gay people too often. But I guarantee they were just as horrible towards gay people back then-- if not moreso, since they thought they could get away with the toxicity since no one cared-- as they are today.

    Source: was woman with a ton of LGBTQ+ friends before 2014. Bigotry hasn’t gotten any worse since then, just louder. (And the good news is the reason the bigots have gotten louder is because more normies are becoming tolerant or accepting of LGBTQ+ people, causing the remaining bigots to realize they’re losing control of society and flip the hell out!)

  • Fair enough. I just get pissed when people like OP suggest bigotry only exists because Economically Anxious^TM people are being manipulated by The Elites^TM. Anyone who’s interacted with well-off people for longer than a few minutes knows being economically secure doesn’t magically make you not a bigot anymore.

    And I hate the implication bigotry is somehow “less important” an issue than economic inequality. Especially since the two are so intimately intertwined, especially in the US, it’s impossible to make progress tackling one without tackling the other.

  • Or maybe fascists are just transphobic bigots who want to torture and kill trans people because, well, they’re fascists, it’s what they do?

    You need to understand the far right doesn’t give a damn about economic issues. Not one crap. (Because most far-right supporters are middle-class or higher, for the record!) They want power for one reason, and one reason only: to lord it over the minorities they consider their inferiors, if not outright killing them.

    This isn’t a “distraction”, it’s the fucking goal.

  • Sharp disagree there. I understand you need to keep some things, like the exact locations of the shelters, a secret, but right now things are so opaque it’s hard to even figure out how to check for what services might be available to you in your area. Like, literally, I wouldn’t even know where to look (google “DV shelters in <my area>”??? I guess? But then you have to worry about being scammed, and the conditions, and if they take kids / pets / male victims, and, and, and…)

    That’s a lot of fucking time and energy to waste trying to figure out where to even ask for help, let alone actually asking it. And if you’re in that situation, you do not have a lot of time and energy at your disposal.

    Would be so much easier to just have a hotline you could call that could help you figure out what options are avaliable to you and how to access them.

  • Maybe not quite what OP was imagining, but I was less focused on the extraction itself and more the destination: a network of safe, private residences you could flee to, then stay at until you’ve found a job and are ready to move into normal housing. Even better if they have psychological professionals on hand to help you deal with your trauma-- or hell, even staffers who’ll help you get in touch with psychological professionals and other resources to help you get back on your feet would be a big plus.

    As for the “extraction” itself, yeah, just going in guns blazing wouldn’t work. It’d probably have to vary from client to client. Could be something as simple as venmoing you money for an uber. Or maybe you could work together with the staffers on some kind of skullduggery scheme-- like you say you’re going out “grocery shopping”, then there’s a car waiting for you in the grocery store parking lot to take you to the shelters.

    Honestly, even just having a friendly voice on the other side of the phone helping you figure out a plan to get out would be a huge help.