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Cake day: August 16th, 2024


  • A former neighbor and landlord of the Grays told The Post the teenager came from a neglectful home that, according to police, was frequently visited by the state’s child protective services agency.

    The alleged school shooter’s mother, Marcee Gray, who has a lengthy rap sheet with drug and domestic violence busts, is a bit of a black sheep on her side of the family, the relative explained.

    Unlike the rest of her kin, she got into the wrong crowd, dated some bad guys and often got into trouble, the family member said.

    Lauren Vickers, who lived next door to the Grays in Jefferson, Ga., told The Post the children were always wearing dirty clothes and sometimes were hungry.

    This is practically the definition of white trash.

    Just because part of the family isn’t trashy doesn’t mean that this particular family unit isn’t.

  • I don’t know where you’re from, but I have only ever heard somebody use the phrase “white trash” to refer to lower income white people, usually who behave in a trashy manner but not always (wherein a trashy manner means things like wearing wife beaters or raggy clothing, men walking around without shirts on, living in a trailer park–though that alone doesn’t necessarily make you white trash, being undereducated and poorly spoken, being bigoted and outspoken, likely being on drugs or drinking too much, or living on disability payments while not being disabled and still hating “welfare” for others, having a criminal record–penchant for fighting, drunk driving, theft, drug dealing, etc, etc).

    And it’s very much a racist term because it’s implying that regular “trash” is not white.

  • Read the fucking article. There’s at least some harm reduction compared to what the Republicans want and the status quo.

    The bill, which Murphy described as a “compromise” also included provisions with more money for asylum lawyers and judges for the overloaded immigration system.

    This is what we actually need. More money for judges and attorneys and whoever else is involved in the asylum process in order to more expeditiously get through the massive numbers of migrants. And people need to remember that a lot of these people are refugees. Fleeing for their own lives and those of their children. A lot of Americans need to remember that these are people.

    They’re no different than you or I. We benefited from our ancestors mostly being able to come willy-nilly into the US and now we want to close the door? It’s frankly anti-American.

    Give us your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

    Aside from the Native Americans, that is all of us. Every single one of us. It’s like boomers who ruined the housing market and the economy pulling the ladder up behind them, but worse.

    We need more resources put into this so we can better determine who to let in and who to send back and to do so within a reasonable timeline. We have the money for that. The US is not hemorrhaging cash. But it sure is hemorrhaging humanity when it comes to refugees.

  • Terrifying. I hope no one was badly injured.

    Fire was always my biggest concern when living in multi-family buildings. Can’t protect yourself from whatever your neighbors might get up to.

    I once lived in a townhouse next to a family where they wouldn’t turn off the smoke alarm when cooking and would just let it keep going and going. And nobody would answer the door when this would happen, furthering my concerns. Had to call the fire department on them more than once. Thankfully, they moved out before too long.