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Pronouns: They/them


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I use FreeTube on desktop to follow my favourite YouTube channels, and I’ve found the related videos section to be quite good in occasionally suggesting videos from channels I’m unfamiliar with. I also have a Nebula subscription, so I find content creators from there as well.

    I do admit that sometimes I’ll login to my old YouTube account and check what their algorithm is suggesting. I just copy/paste the URLs into FreeTube.

  • I’ll copy-paste this stackoverflow answer, because it sounds like its written by someone more knowledgeable than me.

    blobs are binary firmware, not distributed as source. they are necessary for certain hardware drivers to function, in whole or in part. As the source is not readily available, there are deblobbed distributions for opensource “purists”.

    In the firefox context, there are certain non-free portions of firefox code base, namely the branding and some mozilla services integrations. Those are removed. This is more about licensing then availability of the code.

  • Yeah they don’t package their Apks for Github, they only publish the source code. You have to add it via DivestOS’ F-Droid repo. Here’s a little step-by-step guide, it’s not exactly intuitive.

    • In Obtainium, add new app, use this URL:

    • In the “Override source” dropdown, select “F-Droid Third-Party Repo”

    • Under the additional options, there’s an “App ID or name” field, in which you must input “us.spotco.fennec_dos”

    • Make sure “Auto-select highest version code APK” is enabled

  • I’ve never encountered these issues with Mull, but you could have a look at Cromite which has a similar development philosophy as Mull in regards to privacy and security but is Chromium-based. Being Chromium-based might help with rendering issues on some mobile sites.

    It’s not available on F-Droid however. I’ve swapped to using Obtainium to manage my apps to avoid this type of annoyance.