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Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Twenty-seven people were killed and 25 injured when Ukrainian forces shelled the Russian-controlled city of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine

    In his nightly video address, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy did not address the attack but said that in a single day, Russia had shelled more than 100 cities, towns and villages in nine regions in Ukraine, and that the attacks in Donetsk region had been “particularly severe.”

    Deflecting blame. Now this is an instance where saying whataboutism would be somewhat warranted. whatabout deez

    Ukraine’s forces in the Tavria, or southern zone, said in a Facebook post that soldiers under its command were not responsible. “Donetsk is Ukraine!” it said. “Russia will have to answer for taking lives of Ukrainians.”

    Russia is responsible for every death in the war, even when these deaths are caused by concious actions by the Ukrainian military. Ghoulish. Ukrainian higher-ups have no souls.

    Russia, which launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine almost two years ago, has voiced outrage in the past when Ukrainian attacks have killed civilians in Donetsk and other areas. Russia’s own campaign of air strikes and heavy shelling, however, has killed thousands of Ukrainian civilians.

    “Ok, Ukraine is striking civilians but don’t you know that Russia has struck civilians too?”

    Isn’t Ukraine supposed to be the good guys? A western outlet pointing at bad things Russia has done and going “since they do it Ukraine is allowed to do the same” is so on the nose it would be considered bad parody if it was.

    The governor of the Ukrainian-controlled part of the region, Vadym Filashkin, said Russian attacks killed at least two people at two locations west of the city of Donetsk on Sunday.

    Not to minimise deaths but, “only” 2?

    Twenty-seven people were killed and 25 injured when Ukrainian forces shelled the Russian-controlled city of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine

    The fact that these peoples who like to smugly point at big numbers without verifying them to justify their position couldn’t come up with more shocking that 2 death to “counter” the 27 killed by Ukraine says a lot about who is targeting what, as is the fact that not only is Ukraine striking the very civilians they say they want to “liberate” from Russia, but it and it’s cohort of mediatic supporters are openly admiting that they are doing it. And, of course, pointing at civilian deaths to justify more civilian deaths is already ghoulish in and of itself.

    Again, it’s a western outlet, Ukraine is supposed the good guys. Too on the nose to be parody I tell you.

    “I call on everyone who remains in Donetsk: evacuate!” Filashkin said in a post on the Telegram messaging app.

    Perfomatively tells peoples to evacuate, not even in a speach or on tv but on Telegram where most peoples won’t see it, so they can say “well, we warned them” when they start shelling just like Israel idf destroyer. The fact that a pro-Ukraine western outlet admits that is quite the self own. Again, Ukraine, good guys, beyond parody.

    Overall, still a lot of cope fascist coping capitalist coping niet nyet , but the narrative has definitely shifted. We’ll see what will come of it.

  • This is pure wishfull thinking. It doesn’t matter what you or I want or would like to happen, a country that is decisively winning a war wont just stop and go home before having secured a peace deal from the other side. This idea that Russia could simply leave is not realistic. Russia would suffer a net loss if they withdrew for no reason like this, and the Russian politicians obviously wont chose that when they already realized most of their military objectives. Ukraine on the other hand has litteraly no reason to keep fighting. It can’t be overstated: they are losing. Dispite all of the military aid from the US and EU and all the economic sanctions on Russia, the frontline has bearly moved since the strikes on Kiev; even being so generous that you ignore the fact that Russia hasn’t commited nearly has much to the war as Ukraine did proportionally, the situation could only be described at best as a standstill. Now, after almost two years of war, Russia has successfully wiggled out of western sanctions, now selling/buying to India and China most of what they used to sell/buy to Europe, Western aid to Ukraine have dwindled hard, with the US’s contribution, Ukraine’s biggest supplier until recently, being now a pitifull fraction of what it was in 2022. Not to mention that multiple western countries have admited that they ran out of things to send to Ukraine and are starting to shift their attention away from it anyway with the Israel stuation. With all of that and the failure of the 2023 counteroffencive Ukraine definitely lost any chance of winning the war.

    At this point, all Ukraine is doing by continuing to send soldiers to the meatgrinder is increasing the deathtoll for nothing. The war will end with Russia taking The Donbass, Luhansk, and possibly the whole coast, regardless of how many zeros the Ukrainian deathtoll has. The only REALISTIC thing that can put an end to the war is a peace deal on Russia’s terms. Now matter how much you say that “Russia could just stop”, that’s not happening.

    It’s also importent to be aware that there would never have been a war in the first place without western meddleing. As soon as the maidan coup happened the region was doomed for conflict, the west stirred up conflict on purpose with the hope of weakening Russia without them having to fight directly. Russia tried to propose deals with Ukraine that would only impose them to stay neutral and not get involved with NATO, Ukraine often showed iterest in signing, but every time, some western politician flew to where the talks were happening and for some reason Ukraine changed their mind just after. Pretending that only Russia is at fault is ignorant of the geopolitical situation in the region, as expected from westerners who probably didn’t even know Ukraine existed before 2022.